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Journal Article
Critical Times (2021) 4 (3): 478–480.
Published: 01 December 2021
...Nadia Bou Ali Abstract This roundtable revolves around the translation of selections from Amel's book Is the Heart for the East and Reason for the West? On Edward Said's Marx in “Orientalism , ” published in Arabic in 1986. The importance of bringing this Arabic text to an English and global...
Journal Article
Critical Times (2021) 4 (3): 517–529.
Published: 01 December 2021
... Marx's work. In the Grundrisse , Asian societies are characterized by the absence of private land ownership, by monarchs who are “the exclusive proprietor[s] of the agricultural surplus product,” 19 and by the “unity of agriculture and manufactures.” 20 The latter factor is said to account...
Journal Article
Critical Times (2021) 4 (3): 509–516.
Published: 01 December 2021
...Nadia Bou Ali [email protected] © 2021 Nadia Bou Ali 2021 This is an open access article distributed under the terms of a Creative Commons license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0). In 1986, Mahdi Amel critiqued Edward Said's Foucauldian account of the interconnectedness of knowledge and power...
Journal Article
Critical Times (2021) 4 (3): 501–508.
Published: 01 December 2021
...Ziad Kiblawi 13. It is worth noting that while Amel locates Said within the Foucauldian camp, Amel distinguishes between the two. Reservations notwithstanding, Amel argues that Foucault's “cultural structuralism” does not deny the existence (and the difference) of “orders of knowledge” since...
Journal Article
Critical Times (2021) 4 (3): 481–500.
Published: 01 December 2021
...Mahdi Amel; Ziad Kiblawi Works Cited Althusser Louis . Pour Marx . Paris : François Maspero , 1965 . Amel Mahdi . Hal al-qalb li-l-sharq wa-l-ʿaql li-l-gharb? Marx fī istishrāq Edward Said . 4th ed. Beirut : Dar al-Farabi , 2018 . Amel Mahdi . “ Marx fī...
Journal Article
Critical Times (2023) 6 (1): 39–57.
Published: 01 April 2023
...Michael Allan Abstract This essay tracks Karl Marx's famous line “They cannot represent themselves; they must be represented” as it travels from a translated epigraph in Edward Said's Orientalism to Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak's “Can the Subaltern Speak?” What follows from this minor textual detail...
Journal Article
Critical Times (2020) 3 (1): 131–147.
Published: 01 April 2020
... Worldist, Salem participated in crucial events of the liberation period, including the resistance in Port Said during the Suez War, and taught in Algeria in the wake of decolonization. Spotlighting her work in institutions such as the Afro-Asian Peoples’ Solidarity Organization, the Afro-Asian Writers...
Journal Article
Critical Times (2021) 4 (3): 543–551.
Published: 01 December 2021
... , 1976 . Amel Mahdi . “ Is the Heart for the East and Reason for the West? On Marx in Edward Said's Orientalism ,” translated by Kiblawi Ziad . Critical Times 4 , no. 3 ( 2021 ): 481 – 500 . Bardawil Fadi A. “ A Fractured Ground of Criticism? Levantine Polemics around...
Journal Article
Critical Times (2021) 4 (3): 530–542.
Published: 01 December 2021
... struggle can and must be fought. Relocating Amel in the specific context of the cultural and political struggle he was fighting when writing his critique of Orientalism appears indeed to be the best way to make sense of his own interpretation of Said's reading of Marx. Written in 1985, when...
Journal Article
Critical Times (2021) 4 (3): 552–559.
Published: 01 December 2021
...Alberto Toscano Works Cited Ahmad Aijaz . “ Marx on India: A Clarification .” In In Theory: Classes, Nations, Literatures , 221 – 42 . London : Verso , 1992 . Amel Mahdi . “ Is the Heart for the East and Reason for the West? On Marx in Edward Said's Orientalism...
Journal Article
Critical Times (2021) 4 (3): 353–358.
Published: 01 December 2021
... carefully dissected the various pitfalls of anticolonial nationalism. Does this, however, mean that nothing more need be said concerning anticolonialism? Does the corpus of postcolonial theory necessarily lead to the historicization of anticolonialism as a thing of the past? Or might this corpus afford...
Journal Article
Critical Times (2020) 3 (2): 224–248.
Published: 01 August 2020
... (National Museum of Contemporary Art) and then in Istanbul in 2015 (SALT Beyoğlu), see Karaca, “When Everything Has Been Said Before.” 42. Dilek Winchester, personal interview with author, January 15, 2016, Istanbul. 43. Although often conceptualized as a one-time rupture, the “Turkification...
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Journal Article
Critical Times (2021) 4 (3): 577–587.
Published: 01 December 2021
.... Protocol of the Special Committee for the Proposed Basic Law, September 18, 2017. 41. Said, The Question of Palestine , 37 . 42. Green, “Israel's New Law.” 43. Hassoun and others v. Knesset , HCJ 5555/18, July, 8. 2021. supremedecisions.court.gov.il/Home/Download?path...
Journal Article
Critical Times (2019) 2 (2): 330–337.
Published: 01 August 2019
... by the cardinal distinction between the justification of means, which legitimates a violence crowned by fate, and the justice of ends, which is God's exclusive province. Of course, what has been said about legal violence is essential to Benjamin's understanding of their incompatibility, inasmuch as it introduces...
Journal Article
Critical Times (2020) 3 (1): 148–156.
Published: 01 April 2020
... to publish literature. My novel would be its first, and it had to go to bookstores. It was a challenge. I have to repeat (I've said it before) that I wrote with a censor by my side, a censor I knew was there, but I never wrote for the censor. My concern, and what kept me up at night, was the writing. Until...
Journal Article
Critical Times (2024) 7 (2): 348–355.
Published: 01 August 2024
... and it seemed that all the prisoners were listening A teacher who taught at that police station later told me that everyone there experienced a strange feeling very strange they said that a silence fell over the police station an inexplicable silence I didn't know they were listening to me I...
Journal Article
Critical Times (2023) 6 (2): 167–178.
Published: 01 August 2023
.... “Don't let these ideas upset you,” he said. Cree is a disappearing language; this is “the last gasp,” “the Goddess's farewell tour . . . a chance to say farewell to an idea that might have worked at one time in history.” And yet his performance itself raised a question: Do languages really “die” when...
Journal Article
Critical Times (2024) 7 (1): 119–127.
Published: 01 April 2024
..., and the first thing we said was, “We are not going to write a manifesto,” because for us the feminist perspective and the feminist struggle—and especially the feminist struggles of the Global South—are very far from wanting to position themselves in a place of setting forth a truth or a hegemony or a way...
Journal Article
Critical Times (2020) 3 (3): 403–442.
Published: 01 December 2020
... at understanding unfamiliar forms of life by means of participant-observation: learning to do what others do by attending to what is said and what is not said because it is taken for granted—in short trying to live like other human beings—does not necessarily require access to their private thoughts...
Journal Article
Critical Times (2023) 6 (2): 345–358.
Published: 01 August 2023
..., “My father said I am safe so long as my aspirations are in the realm of dreams, but when I must bring them back to the world, I am in danger. His advice reminds me of Haji Sulong.” The legacy of Haji Sulong and his reformist call for a modernist Islam had achieved little to emancipate Malay Muslims...