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Journal Article
Comparative Literature (2017) 69 (3): 303–314.
Published: 01 September 2017
...Daisy Sainsbury This article explores the constrained writing practices of Austrian-American writer Walter Abish in relation to those of the French literary group the Oulipo, in particular Georges Perec. Specifically, it considers the formal, stylistic, and thematic similarities between Perec's La...
Journal Article
Comparative Literature (2008) 60 (2): 107–124.
Published: 01 March 2008
..., 1975 . 2 vols. Benabou, Marcel, and Jacques Roubaud. “OULIPO? Qu'est ceci?” Ecole Centrale de Lille. < http://www2.ec-lille.fr/~book/oulipo/info/presentation.shtml >. Bonaparte, Marie. The Life and Works of Edgar Allan Poe: A Psycho-Analytic Interpretation . Trans. John Rodker. London...
Journal Article
Comparative Literature (2012) 64 (1): 93–109.
Published: 01 March 2012
...Dennis Duncan A recurring problem in much critical writing about the Oulipo is a tendency to homogenize the output of the group's writers in order to present a universal poetics of constrained writing. Oulipians rightly bristle at these attempts to oversimplify the group's history, and a useful...
Journal Article
Comparative Literature (2008) 60 (3): 297–300.
Published: 01 June 2008
... DE L’OULIPO. By Hervé Le Tellier. Bordeaux, France: Le Castor Astral, 2006. 334 p. The OULIPO is a literary group that investigates the literary potential of formal struc- tures. Does an Oulipian aesthetics exist? According to Hervé Le Tellier, writer, professor of linguistics, and member...
Journal Article
Comparative Literature (2008) 60 (3): 288–290.
Published: 01 June 2008
... DE L’OULIPO. By Hervé Le Tellier. Bordeaux, France: Le Castor Astral, 2006. 334 p. The OULIPO is a literary group that investigates the literary potential of formal struc- tures. Does an Oulipian aesthetics exist? According to Hervé Le Tellier, writer, professor of linguistics, and member...
Journal Article
Comparative Literature (2008) 60 (3): 290–294.
Published: 01 June 2008
... DE L’OULIPO. By Hervé Le Tellier. Bordeaux, France: Le Castor Astral, 2006. 334 p. The OULIPO is a literary group that investigates the literary potential of formal struc- tures. Does an Oulipian aesthetics exist? According to Hervé Le Tellier, writer, professor of linguistics, and member...
Journal Article
Comparative Literature (2008) 60 (3): 295–297.
Published: 01 June 2008
... DE L’OULIPO. By Hervé Le Tellier. Bordeaux, France: Le Castor Astral, 2006. 334 p. The OULIPO is a literary group that investigates the literary potential of formal struc- tures. Does an Oulipian aesthetics exist? According to Hervé Le Tellier, writer, professor of linguistics, and member...
Journal Article
Comparative Literature (2023) 75 (4): 437–475.
Published: 01 December 2023
... and member of Oulipo Georges Perec ( 1936–1982 ) functionally popularized it, writing his own Je me souviens (1978) that was arguably even more successful, spawning homages, explanatory texts, and theatrical and visual adaptations worldwide. If American writers ( Harry Mathews, Paul Auster ) learned...
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Journal Article
Comparative Literature (2024) 76 (1): 44–64.
Published: 01 March 2024
... context, from prisons to the everyday. Scores as developed by Oulipo or Fluxus or Umbra writers have the same focus on immediate context: the Fluxus Performance Workbook , collected by Ken Friedman in 1990 and now published online, for example, represents the history of Fluxus event scores. “Cut the coat...
Journal Article
Comparative Literature (2014) 66 (4): 481–488.
Published: 01 December 2014
... and the institution is the negation of any form: a bracket- ing that opens up, paradoxically, the possibility of a certain freedom, a possibility whose exemplification in literature includes not only the self-aware jokers of the Oulipo  school but also anyone who’s ever written a sonnet, a one-act play, a novel...
Journal Article
Comparative Literature (2005) 57 (3): 246–255.
Published: 01 June 2005
... of English altogether, other possibilities include the transla- tion efforts of Martin Heidegger and Paul Celan in the German tradition, as well as the work of Eugene Jolas, Georges Perec, Raymond Roussel, and the OULIPO Group in the French. For less canonical texts or works from cultures...
Journal Article
Comparative Literature (2006) 58 (2): 113–127.
Published: 01 March 2006
..., On est toujours trop bon avec les femmes, Le Journal intime de Sally Mara. 9 Kyriakidis plays with the alliterative words OULIPO and v (“to commiserate HYBRID MODERNISMS / 123 v v v (1967)” (“Borges, along with his close accomplice10...
Journal Article
Comparative Literature (2006) 58 (1): 44–58.
Published: 01 January 2006
... approach, especially in the works that were most directly related to his activities with OuLiPo, the workshop on logic and literature led by Raymond Queneau. His characters, especially after his earliest works, rarely have psycho- logical depth, and Calvino himself cultivated with great success...
Journal Article
Comparative Literature (2007) 59 (3): i–xxxi.
Published: 01 June 2007
... (as in the Kurzweil exam- ple), or many minds contribute to the composition of the poem (as in the Darwinian example). Both the author’s and the reader’s control is loosened by being multiplied among several participants. This technique is not new, of course; surrealist poets and the poets of OULIPO (Ouvroir...