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Journal Article
Comparative Literature (2020) 72 (2): 180–202.
Published: 01 June 2020
... to the work of Paul de Man, who, from Allegories of Reading on, develops a complementary theory of the impasse of the present that grows out of his theory of rhetorical reading. Although Berlant and de Man are each preoccupied in different ways with the idea of impasse, both ultimately demonstrate...
Journal Article
Comparative Literature (2020) 72 (1): 68–82.
Published: 01 March 2020
... examines three fundamentally dissimilar texts. Ladri di Biciclette ( Bicycle Thieves ), Vittorio De Sica ’s most famous film, was released in 1948 with a cast of nonprofessional Italian actors. It tells the story of a man, Antonio Ricci, who scours the streets of Rome in search of his stolen bicycle...
Journal Article
Comparative Literature (2017) 69 (1): 111–128.
Published: 01 March 2017
...Stephan Besser; Yra van Dijk In 2012, two curiously similar novels appeared in the Netherlands and the United States: Dave Eggers's A Hologram for the King and Arnon Grunberg's The Man without Illness . Both feature Western male protagonists who travel to the Gulf region for business purposes...
Journal Article
Comparative Literature (2010) 62 (1): 41–54.
Published: 01 January 2010
... sense of being unfaithful to mainstream interpretations of the text and in the more revelatory sense of the word whereby a reading betrays, or divulges, a previously unacknowledged aspect of the work. This essay considers a particularly provocative “betrayal” of G.K. Chesterton's The Man Who...
Journal Article
Comparative Literature (2011) 63 (4): 423–437.
Published: 01 December 2011
...Chih-Wei Chang This essay attempts to “bring out” Roland Barthes as an unnamable textual figure in the Taiwanese writer Chu T'ien-wen's Huangren shouji ( Notes of a Desolate Man ). Chu's “gay novel” is notorious for its narrator's seemingly inexhaustible references to a legion of writers, film...
Journal Article
Comparative Literature (2002) 54 (1): 78–83.
Published: 01 January 2002
...Kate Jenckes Ideology and Inscription: Cultural Studies After Benjamin, de Man, and Bakhtin. By Tom Cohen. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1998. 258 p. University of Oregon 2002 García-Pabón, Leonardo. La patria íntima: Alegorías nacionales en la literatura y el cine de...
Journal Article
Comparative Literature (2002) 54 (4): 325–356.
Published: 01 September 2002
... Desire: Hybridity in Theory, Culture and Race . London & New York: Routledge, 1995 . ____. White Mythologies: Writing History and the West . London & New York: Routledge, 1990 . MY AUNT IS A MAN/325 MUSTAPHA MARROUCHI My...
Journal Article
Comparative Literature (2022) 74 (4): 427–447.
Published: 01 December 2022
...Birger Vanwesenbeeck Abstract This essay seeks to fill a gap in the scholarship on Paul de Man by taking stock of the scattered references to Flemish in his later writings. Taking its cue from a passing remark in the most recent de Man biography—namely, that late in life the theorist attested...
Journal Article
Comparative Literature (2018) 70 (4): 444–465.
Published: 01 December 2018
... famous example, the transition from wood to table is even less remarkable than what happens after the table enters the marketplace: It is as clear as noonday, that man, by his industry, changes the forms of the materials furnished by Nature, in such a way as to make them useful to him. The form of wood...
Journal Article
Comparative Literature (2019) 71 (3): 226–251.
Published: 01 September 2019
.... Such exaggerated, borderline mawkish musings dominate the majority of his journey. But in the final instance, “Śarat aura Premacanda” takes a turn. As he bitterly curses the woman he sent off—his childhood sweetheart, now the wife of another man—the narrator begins to observe his surroundings more keenly. He...
Journal Article
Comparative Literature (2010) 62 (1): 100–102.
Published: 01 January 2010
... on translation, he sorts out the varied meanings at play in both Ger- man and Russian. The titles of the three sections of Robinson’s book articulate its ostensi- ble structure: “Zarazhenie: Tolstoy’s Infection Theory”; “Ostraninie: Shklovsky’s Estrange- ment Theory”; and “Verfremdung: Brecht’s Estrangement...
Journal Article
Comparative Literature (2000) 52 (1): 90–96.
Published: 01 January 2000
... of the Emotions in Man and Animals,” Phillip Prodger addresses Darwin’s deliber- ate construction of a visual rhetoric to serve his evolutionary thesis. In Darwin’s Expres- sions (1872), the first scientific text to be provided with photographic illustrations, the photographs do not serve as a body...
Journal Article
Comparative Literature (2004) 56 (2): 192–197.
Published: 01 March 2004
... by this definition, writers had to interlope in the printing trade, as Stephen Harrison did when he procured the right to sell copies of his book, as Thomas Coryate did when he subsidized his work as a form of self-promotion, and as Samuel Daniel did when he used the stationer Simon Waterson as a front-man...
Journal Article
Comparative Literature (2023) 75 (1): 73–88.
Published: 01 March 2023
...Lara Norgaard Abstract This essay analyzes representations of Asia in the satirical 1911 short story “O homem que sabia javanês” (“The Man Who Knew Javanese”) by Brazilian author Lima Barreto. Like much of Barreto’s work, the short story critiques the deterministic categories of scientific racism...
Journal Article
Comparative Literature (2022) 74 (2): 264–272.
Published: 01 June 2022
... engagement with our fragile planet and its species offers strong aesthetic responses to urgent political impasses. Ananda Devi’s eponymous character Joséphin entertains a relation with the Indian Ocean that can be read as a layered parable of the end of man. Her novel is a brilliant poetic translation...
Journal Article
Comparative Literature (2015) 67 (3): 267–286.
Published: 01 September 2015
... space. Approaching the European question from borderline areas, Magris, Kundera, and Schmitt elaborate a politics of home transcending fanatic closure and absolute drifting. Their odysseys enact what I call critical nóstoi , ironic homecomings that undermine Husserl's “spiritual telos of European man...
Journal Article
Comparative Literature (2017) 69 (1): 54–73.
Published: 01 March 2017
... A Man of the People ), the essay illustrates the different ways different cultures understand and express an affect such as “love.” The recent surge of critical interest in affect has not properly engaged the challenge of this kind of cross-cultural work, which is implicated not just in linguistic...
Journal Article
Comparative Literature (2017) 69 (4): 355–369.
Published: 01 December 2017
...Stefanie Heine This article examines how breathing pauses organize prose rhythm in ancient rhetoric and in modernist texts. In Virginia Woolf’s “Time Passes” and “The Lady in the Looking Glass: A Reflection” as well as in a late chapter of Robert Musil’s The Man Without Qualities , breath...
Journal Article
Comparative Literature (2019) 71 (3): 252–271.
Published: 01 September 2019
...L. Maria Bo Abstract This article examines Eileen Chang’s 1953 translation of Ernest Hemingway’s The Old Man and the Sea into Chinese as Cold War propaganda for the United States Information Service (USIS). It argues that this translation, meant to show the truth of democracy through its high...
Journal Article
Comparative Literature (2020) 72 (4): 406–417.
Published: 01 December 2020
... Rodríguez; the novel El hombre de hierro ( The Iron Man ; 1907) by Rufino Blanco Fombona, which was interpreted as a copy of Flaubert’s Madame Bovary but justified by its local character; and the very curious case of Rafael Bolívar Coronado, whose writing implodes the category of authorship that underlies...