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Journal Article
Comparative Literature (2011) 63 (1): 86–110.
Published: 01 January 2011
... the privileged position given to the family (and kinship in general) as the building block of collectivity, I argue that democracy as a politics of friendship must contend with the uncertainty of fully working out any present or future collectivity. University of Oregon 2011 Ahmad, Aijaz. “Jameson's...
Journal Article
Comparative Literature (2015) 67 (4): 429–444.
Published: 01 December 2015
... . Butler Judith . Antigone's Claim: Kinship between Life and Death . New York : Columbia UP , 2002 . ———. Parting Ways: Jewishness and the Critique of Zionism . New York : Columbia UP , 2012 . Print . ———. Precarious Lives: The Powers of Mourning and Violence . London : Verso , 2006...
Journal Article
Comparative Literature (2015) 67 (4): 449–452.
Published: 01 December 2015
... concession that in sharing a “visible liberation of spirit . . . from the limitations of time and space” such phenomena share “a kinship with philosophy” (64). That kinship justi- fies their inclusion in the deliberations of speculative philosophy but cannot grant them the full status of philosophy so...
Journal Article
Comparative Literature (2017) 69 (3): 288–302.
Published: 01 September 2017
... in Post Conflict Northern Ireland.” Memory Ireland , Vol. III . Ed. Frawley Oona . Syracuse : Syracuse UP , 2014 . Print . Bushnell Rebecca . Tragedy: A Short Introduction . Oxford : Oxford UP , 2008 . Print . Butler Judith . Antigone's Claim: Kinship Between Life...
Journal Article
Comparative Literature (2009) 61 (1): 26–42.
Published: 01 January 2009
... to the German thinkers who infl u- enced de Staël and whose work she popularized: Novalis, Schleiermarcher, and Goethe consider translation a cultural and even a moral imperative. But the eco- nomic and kinship metaphors that stud their writing also betray ambivalence about the hybridity and potential...
Journal Article
Comparative Literature (2018) 70 (2): 132–144.
Published: 01 June 2018
... them to have sprung from some common source. (3:34) The presumed etymologies of the word vernacular , easily excavated by anyone who has access to the Oxford English Dictionary , go back to Latin. Like all such etymologies, these are deeply rooted in a kind of kinship chart for languages. Both...
Journal Article
Comparative Literature (2017) 69 (1): 54–73.
Published: 01 March 2017
.... TRANSLATION AND AFFECT / 57 kinship systems, its elucidation of the Tamil predilection to look for symmetry and pattern, and in the readings it offers of a variety of texts such as popular folk songs and the landmark 1960s film Pasamalar.3 Remarking on the ethnographic ten- dency to deny theory...
Journal Article
Comparative Literature (2020) 72 (3): 340–360.
Published: 01 September 2020
... literary tradition, and, second, his privileging of the kind of narrative open-endedness that he identified with Pushkin. It is here that Nabokov’s kinship with Pushkin distances him most thoroughly from the poetics of Proust. Whereas the epic ambitions of À la recherche du temps perdu depend upon...
Journal Article
Comparative Literature (2006) 58 (4): 293–312.
Published: 01 September 2006
... speaks to their close kinship, not just to his moral character. The conquest of Persia becomes not a conquest of an alien other but Iskandar’s due inheritance as the older half-brother. The Alexander legend is Islamicized in the Hikayat Iskandar Zulkarnain. Aris- totle, called Aristatalis in Malay...
Journal Article
Comparative Literature (2002) 54 (1): 23–41.
Published: 01 January 2002
... ): 222 -43. Nelson, E.W. The Eskimo about Bering Strait . Washington D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1983 . Prater, D. Thomas Mann, A Life . New York: Oxford University Press, 1995 . Raheja, G.G., and A.G. Gold. Listen to the Heron's Words: Reimagining Gender and Kinship in North India...
Journal Article
Comparative Literature (2022) 74 (2): 219–232.
Published: 01 June 2022
... , 2013 . Hartman Saidiya V. “ Venus in Two Acts .” Small Axe , no. 26 ( 2008 ): 1 – 14 . “ Island of Death .” Al Jazeera World , February 3 , 2016 . https://www.aljazeera.com/program/al-jazeera-world/2016/2/3/island-of-death . Jean-François Emmanuel Bruno . “ Kinships...
Journal Article
Comparative Literature (2015) 67 (2): 228–232.
Published: 01 June 2015
...-histories of the conquest and its after- math, but also the lost or corrupted lineages of legal titles and patrimonies upon which a pre-colonial and unevenly Hispanized native society was based. Between the politics of blood and kinship among native communities and the political theology...
Journal Article
Comparative Literature (2013) 65 (1): 101–122.
Published: 01 March 2013
... and spirit, presaging the transformation of the “long hair” of the Keatsean “lady in the meads” (stanza 4) to “zmei-lokony” (serpents-locks) in LBDSM-R. As Grayson has pointed out, by incorporating these images into the texture of his translation Nabokov hints at a kinship between Keats and Blok...
Journal Article
Comparative Literature (2020) 72 (3): 276–282.
Published: 01 September 2020
...-phenotypic characteristics (language, social norms, and traditions) that gave them identities, informed their cultures and kinship systems, and formed the bases of their epistemologies (to name three). This was all wrapped up in ideas lifted straight out of Virginia and its history of intermarriage going...
Journal Article
Comparative Literature (2018) 70 (2): 218–234.
Published: 01 June 2018
..., “disruptive kinship” that, as Emily Apter eloquently writes, “implies an air de famille [semblance of family] minus the lien de parenté [parental connection]” ( 14 ). The creation of a new community in the boat narrative speaks to the reconstruction of the collective as a migrant group in the place...
Journal Article
Comparative Literature (2016) 68 (1): 59–74.
Published: 01 March 2016
... janissary, a servant of the American empire at a time when it was invading a country with a kinship to mine” (Reluctant 173). CAMUS’S LA CHUTE & HAMID’S RELUCTANT FUNDAMENTALIST / 61 particular interest to the present discussion is the degree of slippage between, if not outright conflation...
Journal Article
Comparative Literature (2020) 72 (1): 1–18.
Published: 01 March 2020
... ). The rise of individualism in the eighteenth century and increasing freedom of choice for women fueled the rise of the marriage plot and with it the family novel ( Watt ). At the same time, shifting kinship structures frequently left women caught between duties to the consanguineal family and matters...
Journal Article
Comparative Literature (2007) 59 (2): 140–157.
Published: 01 March 2007
... . ____. The Flowers of Evil . Ed. Marthiel and Jackson Mathews. Norfolk: New Directions, 1955 . ____. Les Fleurs du mal: The Flowers of Evil. Trans. Mary Trouille. Boston: David R. Godine, 1982 . Bellver, C.G. “Luis Cernuda and T.S. Eliot: A Kinship of Message and Motifs.” Revista de Estudios Hispánicos...
Journal Article
Comparative Literature (2024) 76 (1): 105–124.
Published: 01 March 2024
... pasts merging, mingling, to create new coherences and cacophonies. In Gadamer’s “great dark book” written in languages of the past,” new kinship ties develop in the form of a world literature. Within that book is the grammar of the “if &”; the “&” of combination follows the “if” of imagination...
Journal Article
Comparative Literature (2024) 76 (2): 135–156.
Published: 01 June 2024
..., it is not difficult to locate it and subsequently embrace it. Religious conversion can be a fruitful path because unmediated experience is held to exist in many belief systems. Outsiders can thereby prove their credentials by claiming spiritual kinship. Another route to insider status, in places where carnival still...
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