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Journal Article
Comparative Literature (2003) 55 (4): 363–365.
Published: 01 September 2003
... include a brief chronology largely devoted to the events of his life, some additional biographical information in Anthony Cascardi’s Introduction, and an essay by Barry Ife on “The Historical and Social Context” of Cervantes’s writings. The Companion is heavily weighted toward Don Quixote. Anthony...
Journal Article
Comparative Literature (2016) 68 (2): 141–154.
Published: 01 June 2016
...Shu-Mei Shih This essay deploys “relational comparison” to address the ways in which texts from different parts of the world are related to each other through their partaking and representation of world historical events. It constructs an arc of literary texts that are not distinguished...
Journal Article
Comparative Literature (2014) 66 (1): 71–94.
Published: 01 March 2014
...-metaphysical scenario focused on presentation rather than representation and on truth as propitious event rather than individual property can we grasp the limitations of a metaphysical paradigm that writers like Marlowe unwittingly helped consolidate. Today, this scenario is best promoted by Badiou...
Journal Article
Comparative Literature (2024) 76 (4): 379–405.
Published: 01 December 2024
...Hannah Scott Deuchar Abstract Through comparative readings of a single violent event, this article argues that translation functions simultaneously as a technology of imperial governance, a ground for the critique of legal justice, and a practice through which to theorize alternative forms...
Journal Article
Comparative Literature (2022) 74 (2): 247–263.
Published: 01 June 2022
... and exchange. Through world-historical events activated in these novels such as World War II and the first Anglo-Opium War, the essay’s argument follows nineteenth- and twentieth-century transits between the South Asian subcontinent, the Malay Archipelago, and China. Taking circularity as a central analytic...
Journal Article
Comparative Literature (2023) 75 (2): 133–139.
Published: 01 June 2023
... justice protests in the summer of 2020 and completed amid the invasion of Ukraine in 2022—two events with global reverberations that decisively punctured the illusions of a post-imperial, post-socialist, and post-racial world order homogenized by the unfettered spread of neoliberal capitalism—the articles...
Journal Article
Comparative Literature (2016) 68 (2): 218–234.
Published: 01 June 2016
... of the event. I also employ Sianne Ngai's term “stuplimity” to discuss Cage's 1977 performance of “Empty Words” and to deconstruct the affective dynamic generated between Cage and his audience. While Cage is seeking to disintegrate the distance between music and language, he is simultaneously dependent...
Journal Article
Comparative Literature (2017) 69 (2): 222–237.
Published: 01 June 2017
... represent, as the article demonstrates, the authors' attempts to work out the implications of the idea that — as a result of the historical events of Israeli Independence and the consequent Palestinian Nakba — the collision of two national yearnings has created a liminal space in which both Israeli...
Journal Article
Comparative Literature (2018) 70 (2): 218–234.
Published: 01 June 2018
... a process of spectral recuperation, these children of survivors employ the figure of the child to tell the event of their own refugee becoming. Former child refugees recently come of writerly age across a multilingual global diaspora are thus reappropriating an in-between generation’s collective postmemory...
Journal Article
Comparative Literature (2020) 72 (1): 19–31.
Published: 01 March 2020
... ( Kfor ) by Shimon Adaf (2010). These texts draw on biblical or Rabbinic Hebrew, Jewish sources, and Jewish historical events (specifically the destruction of the First and Second Temples), making them just as much about a dystopian past as they are about a dystopian future. They are, in other words...
Journal Article
Comparative Literature (2020) 72 (2): 159–179.
Published: 01 June 2020
...Lenora Hanson Abstract This article proposes that eighteenth-century and Romantic-era accounts of dreams offer a useful model for understanding the phenomenon of enclosure, or what Marx famously labeled “so-called primitive accumulation.” Rather than a historical event or a set of particular laws...
Journal Article
Comparative Literature (2020) 72 (2): 128–143.
Published: 01 June 2020
... of the “community of lovers,” the essay examines why Blanchot associates this with the events of May 1968. This association centers on the notion of an “impossible community” that challenges the very structure of the state as the realization of the community’s sovereignty. The essay then turns to Kleist, mentioned...
Journal Article
Comparative Literature (2020) 72 (3): 276–282.
Published: 01 September 2020
...—in which Jefferson claims that the Osage were among “the finest men we have ever seen”—to the January 2019 media event surrounding Nathan Phillips and Nicholas Sandmann on the National Mall. Drawing from the work of Arica Coleman, he notes that Jefferson’s seeming high regard for the Osage people masks his...
Journal Article
Comparative Literature (2021) 73 (1): 23–40.
Published: 01 March 2021
..., in Hebrew. By analyzing these parallel events, the article suggests that the matsav ruah of the early 1900s was a new form of self-experience and that this new form stimulated original poetic language created by a cohort of Hebrew, East European writers, including Yosef Hayim Brenner, Uri Nissan Gnessin...
Journal Article
Comparative Literature (2009) 61 (1): 54–68.
Published: 01 January 2009
... mechanism within the 1966 text of Despair that both relies on and undermines a Freudian reading. I identify a set of objects whose Freudian valence could easily mislead the unwary reader into taking them symbolically, thus overlooking their function as important clues to events in the novel. I also posit...
Journal Article
Comparative Literature (2009) 61 (2): 97–127.
Published: 01 March 2009
... the advent of a “new world order,” but also legitimizes this new order by linking it to some prior historic or legendary event. Furthermore, if Poltava seems to “waver,” as many critics have suggested, between the Byronic narrative poem and the historical novel as popularized by Walter Scott, I argue...
Journal Article
Comparative Literature (2011) 63 (4): 366–382.
Published: 01 December 2011
... Oasis writers celebrate the killing of German soldiers, but then also engage with troubling memories that surface in relation to such events after the war. Who (or what) is a perpetrator in the context of soldier testimony (as opposed to a perpetrator of genocide)? Should the term only be used...
Journal Article
Comparative Literature (2011) 63 (3): 307–327.
Published: 01 September 2011
...Claire Solomon In Argentina, a multimedia boom in historical fictions about the so-called Jewish White Slave Trade of the early twentieth century in Buenos Aires has created a consensus about a particular set of events that deviates in consistent ways from the available evidence. In this essay I...
Journal Article
Comparative Literature (2013) 65 (1): 123–135.
Published: 01 March 2013
...? In this the image of the parrot becomes both a highly condensed figure of Freudian dream-work and the quintessential monad, caught in that vacant space between the real and the relic, primary event and present trace, representation and that which cannot be spoken. While all of this coheres with Sebald's historical...
Journal Article
Comparative Literature (2014) 66 (3): 277–300.
Published: 01 September 2014
... to life. In the course of these centuries, the aesthetics of tragedy had changed, while the political world witnessed dramatic transformations. A study of European tragic theater in relation to political rituals during this eventful period, therefore, provides a new perspective on the interaction between...