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Journal Article
Comparative Literature (2002) 54 (2): 187–190.
Published: 01 March 2002
... BOOK REVIEWS TROUBLING CONFESSIONS: SPEAKING GUILT IN LAW AND LITERATURE. By Peter Brooks. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2000. x + 207 p. In 1868 a pamphlet entitled The Confessional Unmasked, published by Henry Scott, a Wolverton metal broker, became the subject of a legal...
Journal Article
Comparative Literature (2002) 54 (2): 191–193.
Published: 01 March 2002
... BOOK REVIEWS TROUBLING CONFESSIONS: SPEAKING GUILT IN LAW AND LITERATURE. By Peter Brooks. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2000. x + 207 p. In 1868 a pamphlet entitled The Confessional Unmasked, published by Henry Scott, a Wolverton metal broker, became the subject of a legal...
Journal Article
Comparative Literature (2002) 54 (2): 193–195.
Published: 01 March 2002
... BOOK REVIEWS TROUBLING CONFESSIONS: SPEAKING GUILT IN LAW AND LITERATURE. By Peter Brooks. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2000. x + 207 p. In 1868 a pamphlet entitled The Confessional Unmasked, published by Henry Scott, a Wolverton metal broker, became the subject of a legal...
Journal Article
Comparative Literature (2000) 52 (4): 321–338.
Published: 01 September 2000
.... The imperial narrative is a special case of this dis- course in which autobiography, history, and confessional fiction tend to merge. Indeed the self/other relationship common to all autobiography is compli- cated in the imperial model by the disparity of power, which is further distorted by what Fanon...
Journal Article
Comparative Literature (2013) 65 (3): 306–324.
Published: 01 September 2013
... to be a place for furthering the confessional spiritual nurture of the few. This modern refashioning of educational objective was a phenomenon that had been already underway in several regions of Western Europe. Although various local factors instigated and influenced this transformation differently...
Journal Article
Comparative Literature (2023) 75 (4): 437–475.
Published: 01 December 2023
... ].) Nevertheless, what predominates is Brainard’s confessional unveiling of his own sexual identity. Brainard initially shared “I remember” poems with his friends who were part of the New York School, like Ted Berrigan, who claims to have written a sonnet out of lines borrowed from Brainard’s I Remember...
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Journal Article
Comparative Literature (2012) 64 (2): 207–229.
Published: 01 June 2012
... — a terrain in which one is more accountable” (667). Zona writes: “Whereas ‘sincerity’ (a supposed hallmark of ‘confessional’ poetry and poetry of the personal lyric) culls authority from the illusion of a coherent, if threatened selfhood, what Graham calls ‘self-consciousness’ (often associated...
Journal Article
Comparative Literature (2021) 73 (4): 489–505.
Published: 01 December 2021
... for understanding how Wilhelm and others assimilated Chinese ways of thinking, showing instead that Wilhelm’s late writings are characterized more by an attempt to bring different ideas into conversation than by a confessional statement of conversion to any one system of beliefs. 12 Instead of attempting...
Journal Article
Comparative Literature (2014) 66 (3): 277–300.
Published: 01 September 2014
... in a confessional discourse. What is confessed is, above all, love, desire, an irrepressible passion, an inexplicable impulse of the flesh. This Racinian love is thrown into sharp relief in Andromaque (1667), which concerns the aftermath of the Trojan War. The drama opens with the arrival of Orestes...
Journal Article
Comparative Literature (2001) 53 (1): 83–85.
Published: 01 January 2001
... & London: The University of Chicago Press, 1999. xxiv, 185 p. Reading Levinas is a notoriously arduous task, whether it be his strictly philosophical work or his Jewish “confessional” writings, the contours of which Levinas constantly blurs. After her excellent Prodigal Son/Elder Brother, Jill...
Journal Article
Comparative Literature (2001) 53 (1): 86–87.
Published: 01 January 2001
... & London: The University of Chicago Press, 1999. xxiv, 185 p. Reading Levinas is a notoriously arduous task, whether it be his strictly philosophical work or his Jewish “confessional” writings, the contours of which Levinas constantly blurs. After her excellent Prodigal Son/Elder Brother, Jill...
Journal Article
Comparative Literature (2001) 53 (1): 88–90.
Published: 01 January 2001
... & London: The University of Chicago Press, 1999. xxiv, 185 p. Reading Levinas is a notoriously arduous task, whether it be his strictly philosophical work or his Jewish “confessional” writings, the contours of which Levinas constantly blurs. After her excellent Prodigal Son/Elder Brother, Jill...
Journal Article
Comparative Literature (2001) 53 (1): 90–93.
Published: 01 January 2001
... & London: The University of Chicago Press, 1999. xxiv, 185 p. Reading Levinas is a notoriously arduous task, whether it be his strictly philosophical work or his Jewish “confessional” writings, the contours of which Levinas constantly blurs. After her excellent Prodigal Son/Elder Brother, Jill...
Journal Article
Comparative Literature (2001) 53 (1): 93–96.
Published: 01 January 2001
... & London: The University of Chicago Press, 1999. xxiv, 185 p. Reading Levinas is a notoriously arduous task, whether it be his strictly philosophical work or his Jewish “confessional” writings, the contours of which Levinas constantly blurs. After her excellent Prodigal Son/Elder Brother, Jill...
Journal Article
Comparative Literature (2009) 61 (1): 26–42.
Published: 01 January 2009
... is not. In a text that often falls into an autobiographical, even confessional, register, Derrida surprises the reader with a strange avowal: “j’ai contracté, je l’avoue, une inavouable mais intraitable intolerance: je ne sup- porte ou n’admire, en français du moins, et seulement quant à la langue, que le...
Journal Article
Comparative Literature (2018) 70 (3): 337–356.
Published: 01 September 2018
...” into becoming Derrida’s confessor) the apparently self-confessional process as it unfolds. What might be conceived as an instantiating device in Derrida’s case in fact refers to an overdetermined recording practice in audiobook culture, one that needs addressing because of its limiting effect...
Journal Article
Comparative Literature (2011) 63 (4): 366–382.
Published: 01 December 2011
... to be the end of the matter for the authors” (7). On the other hand, as in perpetrator testimony, there are confessional blind-spots in the Oasis narratives. Although in Return to Oasis (176–78) Norman justifies murdering surrendering German officers as vengeance for “Some ghastly crime / In Poland...
Journal Article
Comparative Literature (2017) 69 (1): 74–90.
Published: 01 March 2017
... with those textual (and vocal) signifiers. That said, authors may also have drawn on spiritual or ecclesiastic theorizing of emotions through alternative sources, such as Thomas Aquinas’s influentialSumma Theologiæ, or penitential and confessional literature. THE FEELING SUBJECT...
Journal Article
Comparative Literature (2019) 71 (3): 314–332.
Published: 01 September 2019
..., such as describing a ruler as the “husband” of his realm, a metaphor found in the “Romance de Abenámar” ( Estudios 34). James Monroe, Samuel Armistead, and other modern scholars interested in the relationship among peninsular literatures across linguistic and confessional lines have worked to expand this body...
Journal Article
Comparative Literature (2011) 63 (3): 235–252.
Published: 01 September 2011
.... Greene has observed similarly remarkable reversals of gender and agency in Petrarch —for​ example, in the Secretum, an imagined confessional dialogue between Petrarch and St. Augustine, in which Augustine chastises Petrarch for his intemper­ ate love by comparing him to Italy being assaulted...