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Journal Article
Comparative Literature (2009) 61 (4): 400–415.
Published: 01 September 2009
...CHRISTOPHER K. COFFMAN One would find it difficult to overstate the importance of Marcel Proust's À la recherche du temps perdu to James Merrill's work. Although almost any of Merrill's works could be read with an eye to Proustian concerns and motifs, Merrill's final two collections of poems...
Journal Article
Comparative Literature (2011) 63 (1): 86–110.
Published: 01 January 2011
... it is possible to go beyond the familial, fraternalist, and androcentric configuration of politics. Thapa presents the philosophically persuasive case for democracy as dharma —not the claiming of rights but the dispropriative structure of responsibility that sustains collectivities. I demonstrate, however...
Journal Article
Comparative Literature (2011) 63 (3): 336–339.
Published: 01 September 2011
...Monika Kaup Misplaced Objects: Migrating Collections and Recollections in Europe and the Americas . By Spitta Silvia . Austin : University of Texas Press , 2009 . xii, 280 p . © 2011 by University of Oregon 2011 BOOK REVIEWS...
Published: 01 June 2024
Figure 3. Examples of graffiti collected by Marcel Griaule, published in Georges Bataille’s essay “Primitive Art.” Originally in Documents 2, no. 7, 1930, 394–95. More
Journal Article
Comparative Literature (2016) 68 (1): 46–58.
Published: 01 March 2016
...Antony Rowland János Pilinszky's ruminations about trauma and memory struck a particular chord with Ted Hughes. At the same time as the Yorkshire poet was working on translations of Pilinszky's poetry with János Csokits in the early 1970s, he was writing two of his own collections that contain...
Journal Article
Comparative Literature (2024) 76 (3): 355–377.
Published: 01 September 2024
...Ashley Brock Abstract What kinds of collectivities might come into being in literature in an age of diverse global readership? This question, pressing for twenty-first-century reevaluations of comparative literature, is not new to Latin American literature and its criticism. This article takes...
Journal Article
Comparative Literature (2023) 75 (2): 207–226.
Published: 01 June 2023
...Amelia M. Glaser Abstract At many points in modern history, Ukrainian identity has been bound up with the Ukrainian language, Ukrainian forms of Christianity, and specific collective experiences of trauma as Ukrainians. This sense of national identity was particularly felt in the immediate post...
Journal Article
Comparative Literature (2014) 66 (2): 227–246.
Published: 01 June 2014
...-Africanist and Soviet internationalist collectivities while simultaneously staging two poetic coups that play with and against avant-garde and agitprop poetic conventions to draw into focus the uneasy relationship between empire, aesthetics, and racial politics. The literary mastery manifest in this endeavor...
Journal Article
Comparative Literature (2014) 66 (3): 322–339.
Published: 01 September 2014
... the collective post-World War II memory that had come to associate it with the Holocaust. Mikhail Bakhtin's concept of the “chronotope” provides a theoretical tool that captures the unique characteristics of the use of time and temporality in the Jewish train genre. The speeding train and the interior...
Journal Article
Comparative Literature (2018) 70 (2): 218–234.
Published: 01 June 2018
... a process of spectral recuperation, these children of survivors employ the figure of the child to tell the event of their own refugee becoming. Former child refugees recently come of writerly age across a multilingual global diaspora are thus reappropriating an in-between generation’s collective postmemory...
Journal Article
Comparative Literature (2020) 72 (2): 144–158.
Published: 01 June 2020
... movement is blocked. Focusing on Gramsci’s Prison Notebooks and the critical reception of Hegel’s master-slave dialectic among other references, this essay argues that the model of impasse and breakthrough occludes politics’ narrowness as compared with other organizations of collective well-being...
Journal Article
Comparative Literature (2020) 72 (3): 299–315.
Published: 01 September 2020
... as geographically continuous with, and affectively connected to, Cuba. This article reads the poetry of Mohammed el Gharani and Ibrahim al-Rubaish, former detainees included in Marc Falkoff’s collection Poems from Guantánamo: The Detainees Speak , and of José Ramón Sánchez, longtime resident of the Cuban city...
Journal Article
Comparative Literature (2009) 61 (3): 346–365.
Published: 01 June 2009
... work ostensibly realigns the coordinates of the Latin American novel, breaking with the model of magical realism, it too foments a (pre)conception of alterity that satisfies the fantasies and collective imagination of U.S. cultural consumers. Citing the extremely low numbers of Latin American works...
Journal Article
Comparative Literature (2010) 62 (1): 68–88.
Published: 01 January 2010
... as incomplete members of either Israeli or Palestinian (national) collectives. University of Oregon 2010 Abbas, Faiz. “`Arab Work' a Comedy Series about the Life of an Arab Journalist Who Adopts the Lifestyle of an `Ashkenazi.'” Rev. of “Avoda Aravit,” by Sayed Kashua. Assennara 23 Nov. 2007...
Journal Article
Comparative Literature (2010) 62 (2): 179–188.
Published: 01 March 2010
... of the necessary imaginative actions of struggling peoples whose desires at their best appear in visions of a transformed collective world. A defense of literature becomes, then, a defense of criticism and an illustration of its value as a necessary profession. University of Oregon 2010...
Journal Article
Comparative Literature (2011) 63 (3): 253–268.
Published: 01 September 2011
... and their peculiarly transformed counterparts in its Russian translation and examines how Chulkov appropriates these elements to his own literary purpose, in both his voluminous collection The Mocker (1766–1768) and his short picaresque novel The Comely Cook or The Adventures of a Debauched Woman (1770). The timing...
Journal Article
Comparative Literature (2011) 63 (4): 383–401.
Published: 01 December 2011
... migrants into what Jean-Luc Nancy calls a communité desouvré , a precarious collectivity that is never completely enclosed or stabilized, always safeguarding a discrepancy among members. By doing so, these novels work to transform what Lamming calls “ways of seeing.” © 2011 by University of Oregon 2011...
Journal Article
Comparative Literature (2012) 64 (1): 73–92.
Published: 01 March 2012
... and heterogeneous to serve as a collectivity, and he imagines, in vague detail, the emergence of a new man not bound by identity at all. This article seeks to restore this more radically anti-ideological aspect of Rashed's poem while illustrating the potential of Spivak's category for the study of literature. ©...
Journal Article
Comparative Literature (2013) 65 (4): 450–465.
Published: 01 December 2013
... of the transfer of guilt and perpetratorship from one generation to the next, processes that have marked public discourses in both national collectives in the aftermath of the war. I show how both authors challenge such habitual transfer, instead insisting on critical distance, empathic witnessing, and narrative...
Journal Article
Comparative Literature (2014) 66 (2): 208–226.
Published: 01 June 2014
... individualism that begins at the locale, and extends in a non-linear curvature. Vicuña's poetry and art constitute an epistemology that recurs during the performance of locality and redefines the collective expression of historical time from the events of language that realize the present. © 2014...