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Journal Article
Common Knowledge (2015) 21 (3): 542–544.
Published: 01 September 2015
...   bang maken te prooi zijn om schreeuwt Hij weken’shethuis. over uil een nachts laatste de vliegt Er Uil line. red that coatand fur his with man but this athouse night, my by it isn’t that Ideemit owlnotshrieking question outcomfortable. the of the Idon’t reason the is entirely...
Journal Article
Common Knowledge (2002) 8 (2): 310–332.
Published: 01 April 2002
..., the moderaet en vreedsaem humeur zijn, 1694). Greek sophroneo in 2 Cor. 5:13 is translated as “gematight van sinnen,” which literally means “of moderated passions” 14. WNT, s.v. “Moderatie.” (the Vulgate has sobrius...