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Journal Article
Common Knowledge (2014) 20 (2): 337–362.
Published: 01 April 2014
... Rottenburg, which offers parables of modern development aid; and in the scholarship of Helen Verran, a philosopher and STS ethnographer who constructs the figure of the good faith analyst. Coming to terms with the challenges, possibilities, tensions, and paradoxes of these and other postcritical responses...
Journal Article
Common Knowledge (2014) 20 (3): 527–539.
Published: 01 August 2014
...Helen Verran This essay is one of three published in response to Casper Bruun Jensen's article “Experiments in Good Faith and Hopefulness: Toward a Postcritical Social Science” ( Common Knowledge 20, no. 2 [Spring 2014]: 337 – 62), which concerns the “postcritical” work of Helen Verran, Richard...
Journal Article
Common Knowledge (2011) 17 (1): 64–70.
Published: 01 January 2011
...Helen Verran This comment argues that Isabelle Stengers, in her article “Comparison as a Matter of Concern,” is justifiably concerned about the future of science in an imperium of commerce where epistemology has no clout. Agreeing with Stengers that we should focus attention on comparison...
Journal Article
Common Knowledge (2011) 17 (1): 111–116.
Published: 01 January 2011
... were given advice and assistance during autopsies by the locals who, as they As she discusses counting, Helen Verran insists on foregrounding the dif the foregrounding on Helen Verraninsists counting, discusses she...
Journal Article
Common Knowledge (2011) 17 (1): 1–12.
Published: 01 January 2011
...Casper Bruun Jensen; Barbara Herrnstein Smith; G. E. R. Lloyd; Martin Holbraad; Andreas Roepstorff; Isabelle Stengers; Helen Verran; Steven D. Brown; Brit Ross Winthereik; Marilyn Strathern; Bruce Kapferer; Annemarie Mol; Morten Axel Pedersen; Eduardo Viveiros de Castro; Matei Candea; Debbora...
Journal Article
Common Knowledge (2014) 20 (3): 540–548.
Published: 01 August 2014
..., Hirokazu Miyazaki, and Helen Verran. Rottenburg's response clarifies the key argument of his book Far-Fetched Facts (2002 in German, 2009 in English), situates it in a biographical and political context of despair and hope, and extends it in ways stimulated by Jensen's article and by reading...
Journal Article
Common Knowledge (2011) 17 (1): 82–86.
Published: 01 January 2011
...Isabelle Stengers This piece is an answer to the responses of Helen Verran, Steven D. Brown, and Brit Ross Winthereik to the author's article, “Comparison as a Matter of Concern.” She acknowledges the difficulty of her respondents to accept her claim that the sciences may be destroyed as many...
Journal Article
Common Knowledge (2020) 26 (2): 230–250.
Published: 01 April 2020
..., characterized by Helen Verran as a refusal of a priori separations, not least between nature and culture, the human and the nonhuman, and the modern and the premodern, and his emphasis on impure (quasi- ) subjects and objects. (Verran, Transferring Strategies of Land Management, 163). 17. Latour, Review...
Journal Article
Common Knowledge (2011) 17 (1): 123–127.
Published: 01 January 2011
... or relocation and observe that modes of relating (here, (here, relating of modes that observe Helen (after Verran) Molto prompts mathematics another natures: different for here...
Journal Article
Common Knowledge (2011) 17 (1): 201–204.
Published: 01 January 2011
... Yolngu involved has research her Nigeria, in AwolowoUniversity Obafemi at education science teaching from to Australia of Studies for Science. Social Society Sincethe from returning of author and bourne Verran Helen Core...
Journal Article
Common Knowledge (2014) 20 (3): 564–568.
Published: 01 August 2014
.... Studies Social for Society Helen Verran and Strategy ductive Melville Northwestern- ofthe coeditor is Foundation, rial Tanselle Thomas G. Fragments...
Journal Article
Common Knowledge (2014) 20 (2): 197–203.
Published: 01 April 2014
... to especially interested be Iwill issue. Fall our in Helen essay and Verran) Rottenburg, his to respond Richard Miyazaki, (Hirokazu examines whom closely most Jensen theorists three the as but shouldcomefocus into yetunestablished how as are itpage wouldreadon the and sciences social...