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Journal Article
Common Knowledge (2014) 20 (3): 510.
Published: 01 August 2014
...John Boardman Roelstraete Dieter , ed., The Way of the Shovel: On the Archaeological Imaginary in Art . ( Chicago : University of Chicago Press , 2013 ), 328 pp. © 2014 by Duke University Press 2014...
Journal Article
Common Knowledge (2023) 29 (1): 113–116.
Published: 01 January 2023
... in the last line. Almost imperceptible differences in the similar (and similarities in difference) are what Perloff in her new book calls the “infrathin.” She gives a paradigmatic example from Wallace Stevens: an unseen “cat running over the snow almost inaudibly.” Or take Duchamp's readymade snow shovel...
Journal Article
Common Knowledge (2008) 14 (2): 258–269.
Published: 01 April 2008
... as the prey of hawks). Why “handsaw” in examples so historically unconnected? I have found this axiom again, more or less, in recent literature defending Marcel Duchamp’s readymades as works of art; instead of a handsaw, the object under judgment is a snow shovel...
Journal Article
Common Knowledge (2015) 21 (1): 137–140.
Published: 01 January 2015
... If Beckett grabbed his shovel and spade to repair the damage the moles the damage the repair to spade shovel and his grabbed Beckett If a Then he by picks it. He proudis ofit.Even fulfilled today, hetotally is moles those one who lobbed the all I was wing. armed their it! did I was “I...
Journal Article
Common Knowledge (2022) 28 (1): 165–174.
Published: 01 January 2022
..., but an older guy jumped in and cut the head off with a shovel. He said we should cook it up, and we did, and it was delicious, the meat white and flakey, like a fish. * They wait along the crest where the backyard concludes in train tracks peering down into the sky-blue bend...
Journal Article
Common Knowledge (2018) 24 (1): 149–160.
Published: 01 January 2018
... calvaries from scrap wood and shovel handles. Like lamb’s blood smeared Common Knowledge 24:1 DOI 10.1215/0961754X-4253914...
Journal Article
Common Knowledge (2004) 10 (2): 220–251.
Published: 01 April 2004
... dressed up as a nun. Herrings grace her bread-shovel lance, and the pretzels, flat-bread, mussels, and braided onions on her float all pertain to the meager fasting fare, as does her beehive cap; for during Lent, honey was the only sweetener allowed. More troubling are those bees that exceed Lent’s...
Journal Article
Common Knowledge (2004) 10 (1): 170–180.
Published: 01 January 2004
... of the Fine Talker is heard. When his military service was over, he returned to Les Cards—perhaps it was December, perhaps there was snow, lying thick on the wall of the bake- house, and my grandfather who was clearing the lanes with a shovel saw him coming...
Journal Article
Common Knowledge (2002) 8 (3): 582–594.
Published: 01 August 2002
... pretending to work, shovels held in well-manicured fingers. The apple trees are in bloom (spring was the favored season of the new regime’s master builders), garland-bedecked trucks setting out for the country while an unseen choir sings; it seems...
Journal Article
Common Knowledge (2012) 18 (3): 387–418.
Published: 01 August 2012
... your out ofwhich muck the shovel to enough good about just   a you living give outof ’em, they do, you amint don’thowmake handy, to know you they,   principles bleeding your to on hang you not surprised I’m you’re.Principles! when even top down. on out of things, howwriggle...
Journal Article
Common Knowledge (2004) 10 (2): 314–346.
Published: 01 April 2004
... of spring . . . Onward to the synagogue on Oranienburger Strasse. I searched in vain for the small patisserie where in 1980, during the GDR 331 days of this part of the city, I had a dreadful craving one morning to eat a slice of green gateau big as a coal shovel. From the window of the patisserie my...
Journal Article
Common Knowledge (2017) 23 (3): 496–530.
Published: 01 September 2017
... trays, heavy hoisting tables, off cleaning and setting orders, taking alongof day after exhausted off, nodding just bed Isatup in as evening, One leash,” foranother Eloise shegiggled. Aunt ask well as just might “I pail. and shovel, mop, with Riffifi and Annette followto...
Journal Article
Common Knowledge (2014) 20 (1): 68–133.
Published: 01 January 2014
... the build, they culture the in mistaken or are a shovel. They itif wereas aplow heritage orancient hammer, an reclaim to seek They whispers. it ofas night still the in to listened be must aplacethat in shoutmarch and They to weight. unused land living of a surface the on edifice...