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Journal Article
Common Knowledge (2011) 17 (1): 31–36.
Published: 01 January 2011
....” If the notion of relativism can be rendered relative unto itself, as the notion of a “comparative” relativism would seem to suggest, then how might one understand its “position” within the kinds of debates in which Smith's paper, by way of commentary, also participates? In particular, if part of Smith's aim...
Journal Article
Common Knowledge (2023) 29 (1): 41–58.
Published: 01 January 2023
... antifoundationalism and postepistemology. Taken together, the work of Bruno Latour, Isabelle Stengers, and Donna Haraway has been less about rebalancing the relative and the objective, and more about redrawing the checkerboard of knowledge into “in-disciplinary” styles of empirical philosophy. These styles rely...
Journal Article
Common Knowledge (2013) 19 (1): 65–87.
Published: 01 January 2013
...Richard Shiff This article, a contribution to the Common Knowledge symposium “Fuzzy Studies: On the Consequence of Blur,” documents how some modern artists and critics have argued against any sort of verbal thinking about art. Beyond describing works of visual art and pronouncing on their relative...
Journal Article
Common Knowledge (2017) 23 (2): 225–231.
Published: 01 April 2017
.... The main difference between –phile and –phobe is the latter's relative incapacity to live with ambivalence. Given these arguments, one must expect to find negative as well as positive motives in the etiology and conduct of xenophilia—and the first installment of the Common Knowledge symposium is said...
Journal Article
Common Knowledge (2011) 17 (1): 27–30.
Published: 01 January 2011
... relativity, the essay concludes that these and other familiar dualisms have been made obsolete by a century of research in genetics, ethnography, and related empirical disciplines. Duke University Press 2011 Symposium: Comparative Relativism MULTIDIMENSIONAL...
Journal Article
Common Knowledge (2011) 17 (2): 269–282.
Published: 01 April 2011
..., a form of strict counterpoint that at once evokes the notion of “machine music”—the leading line seems automatically to generate the following line—and produces relatively few textual variants that concern pitch. Variants in the realm of performing indications, though, occur frequently. Chopin worked...
Journal Article
Common Knowledge (2011) 17 (1): 117–122.
Published: 01 January 2011
... usually been concerned. The two forms of ethnicity are equally relative, in that a given group's self-understanding and self-designation are in both cases the result of its relations with other groups. However, ethnically extensive relations of the standard anthropological variety involve symbolic...
Journal Article
Common Knowledge (2012) 18 (3): 419–432.
Published: 01 August 2012
...Jeffrey M. Perl In this introduction to part three of the Common Knowledge symposium “Fuzzy Studies: On the Consequence of Blur,” the journal’s editor argues that blur is not a medium of concealment, confusion, or evasion. Making distinctions between kinds of relative unclarity (for instance, haze...
Journal Article
Common Knowledge (2012) 18 (2): 208–219.
Published: 01 April 2012
..., and so forth, relative to all sorts of stuff; and interpretation is a default condition, rather than an optional acquired talent. Previous versions of this text, under different titles, were presented at various places and benefited from discussions at each. The author wishes to thank the hosts...
Journal Article
Common Knowledge (2015) 21 (3): 406–419.
Published: 01 September 2015
... to the escalation of conflict, while tribal “half-trust” has kept it relatively limited. © 2015 by Duke University Press 2015 trust enmity conflict Ik Turkana Dodoth Symposium: Peace by Other Means, Part 4 “HALF-TRUST”­ AND ENMITY...
Journal Article
Common Knowledge (2009) 15 (3): 348–364.
Published: 01 August 2009
... of courage by which, though they are open-ended, a man may count as acting bravely. It need not follow that he has adopted the best tactics. Yet he must have responded fittingly to danger. But how is that to be identified? “Ought”-judgments are to be understood contextually, with an implicit relativity...
Journal Article
Common Knowledge (2010) 16 (3): 367–403.
Published: 01 August 2010
... the margins but also the material background of a text (the page or screen) can be brought forward and focused on through the transparency of the sign “ ”, in which case “ ” becomes a sign of itself. Consubstantial with its medium, therefore, this sign is both relative and universal: “ ” is the same...
Journal Article
Common Knowledge (2019) 25 (1-3): 63–75.
Published: 01 April 2019
..., and this is why no consensus as to either the meaning or the interpretation of the world can ever be final or universally valid.” Frank moreover cites the even more radical position of Friedrich Schlegel: “All truth is relative—but together with that proposition another must be coordinated: there is essentially...
Journal Article
Common Knowledge (2020) 26 (1): 39–64.
Published: 01 January 2020
.... They integrate tacit assumptions of a modern nationalist posture that produces fixed identities and categorizations. Instead of this compromised pair of terms, Albera offers philoxenia , with its distinct genealogy, as it delimits a reciprocal commitment to hospitality, which is pragmatic and relatively...
Journal Article
Common Knowledge (2020) 26 (3): 453–551.
Published: 01 August 2020
... and accomplished in relatively conventional or commonsensical geometric terms; and third, a non- or post-Euclidean one, in which characterization is discussed and inchoately accomplished in the terms of the “new geometries” that emerged during the nineteenth century. What taxonomy in the Aristotelian mode...
Journal Article
Common Knowledge (2018) 24 (3): 397–404.
Published: 01 August 2018
..., at their own pace; contact their teaching assistants and the professor when it suits them; and enjoy the advantage of a relatively seamless multimedia presentation. The quality of the students’ work, the author finds, is the same as in a bricks-and-mortar course, and the students themselves express enthusiasm...
Journal Article
Common Knowledge (2007) 13 (2-3): 385–403.
Published: 01 August 2007
... ). - - - - - - - - Stout • A “Dic t atorship of Rel at iv ism”? 387 1993 the Truth: Veritatis Splendor 4...
Journal Article
Common Knowledge (2007) 13 (2-3): 250–280.
Published: 01 August 2007
... - - - - Bloor • A “Dic t atorship of Rel at iv ism”? 251...
Journal Article
Common Knowledge (2002) 8 (2): 273–279.
Published: 01 April 2002
.... The enormously controversial theses of “the indeterminacy of trans- COMMON KNOWLEDGE COMMON lation” and “ontological relativity” associated with Quine’s name were trivialized and made unrecognizable in the process. And this toning down reflects, I think, a failure to see...
Journal Article
Common Knowledge (2018) 24 (1): 165–166.
Published: 01 January 2018
... frag and of jottings mass the through years.” Sifting final of his serene twilight relatively the incarceration, ofhis ofday reckoning the projects, pied economic by occu increasingly maturity his youth, aesthetic his misadventures, and pitfalls his suddendepartures...