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Journal Article
Common Knowledge (2010) 16 (1): 79–94.
Published: 01 January 2010
...Sidney Plotkin Though a radical critic of capitalist society, Thorstein Veblen was a political quietist. His ideas of social evolution, cultural lag, and predatory power help to explain why. Veblen saw the need for deep-seated social change but despaired of its chances. He was in crucial ways...
Journal Article
Common Knowledge (2010) 16 (1): 31–47.
Published: 01 January 2010
... polarization of quietism and activism. He shows that both Garrison and Brown were complex icons, neither of whom can be easily categorized as a quietist or activist. A careful look at the antislavery movement suggests, therefore, that pacifism and quietism are not synonymous. Moreover, a careful look at Brown...
Journal Article
Common Knowledge (2010) 16 (1): 48–65.
Published: 01 January 2010
...Hanne Andrea Kraugerud; Bjørn Torgrim Ramberg Is Richard Rorty a philosophical quietist? We consider different stances Rorty has assumed toward philosophy, arguing that on the face of it there is no conflict between them. However, Rorty's extensive writing on the topic of truth suggests a tension...
Journal Article
Common Knowledge (2010) 16 (1): 66–78.
Published: 01 January 2010
...Christophe Fricker This article deals with the question of whether Ernst Jünger's long story Auf den Marmorklippen (1939)—the publication of the text itself as well as its contents—should be interpreted as political action or quietist retreat. The author examines the notions that the text...
Journal Article
Common Knowledge (2011) 17 (2): 411–422.
Published: 01 April 2011
... the Henrician Reformation. Dubious of this premise during the previous exchange, the author here examines the lives of three northern English quietists of More's time—Christopher Urswick (c. 1448–1552), Cuthbert Tunstall (1474–1559), and John Redman (1499–1551)—who never quite risked martyrdom but never...
Journal Article
Common Knowledge (2010) 16 (1): 95–109.
Published: 01 January 2010
...Pink Dandelion This contribution to a symposium on quietism concerns what is known as the Quietist period of Quakerism in the eighteenth century. Dandelion addresses the key question of conflict between the quietist commitment of the Quaker faithful and the commitment of many among them...
Journal Article
Common Knowledge (2010) 16 (3): 532–551.
Published: 01 August 2010
...Amy M. King A contribution to the sixth installment of the Common Knowledge symposium “Apology for Quietism,” this article explores the possibilities for quietist narrative. Since quietism suggests resistance or condescension to telos, suspense, will, and the kinds of spirituality, politics...
Journal Article
Common Knowledge (2010) 16 (3): 518–531.
Published: 01 August 2010
... than a noble mood, too rare and abstract to be translated into real human life.” It contends that Jones's aversion to Quietist influences in Quaker history had more to do with his own personal ambivalences, his response to the violence of World War I, his modernizing agenda, and his distorted...
Journal Article
Common Knowledge (2009) 15 (2): 181–196.
Published: 01 April 2009
...Lesley Chamberlain Although they have a religious origin, the terms quietist and quietism have generally been used in the anglophone world in the context created by the French Revolution, which made them expressions of political abuse. Examination of classic instances of their use shows...
Journal Article
Common Knowledge (2009) 15 (1): 7–22.
Published: 01 January 2009
...Paul J. Griffiths Quietists aim to bring something to rest, to move it from activity to quiescence. This essay depicts and advocates a quietism of political interest, which is to say a divorce of political action from interest in the outcome of such action. Its principal interlocutor is Pascal...
Journal Article
Common Knowledge (2010) 16 (1): 22–30.
Published: 01 January 2010
... on a new question raised in this latest grouping of articles. Can there be such a thing as a “ mezza voce quietism”? Can there be activist quietists or quietist activists or active teachers of quietism without self-contradiction? Perl takes Gandhi and “passive resistance” as his own test case, concluding...
Journal Article
Common Knowledge (2010) 16 (3): 439–456.
Published: 01 August 2010
...Jacob Raz A contribution to the sixth installment of the Common Knowledge symposium “Apology for Quietism,” this article proposes that, despite endless debates within Zen Buddhism between quietist tendencies (“sitting quietly, doing nothing”) and the instruction to act in the world (“go wash...
Journal Article
Common Knowledge (2010) 16 (3): 457–473.
Published: 01 August 2010
..., including Kant, Fichte, Hegel, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, Wittgenstein, and Heidegger. Magee treats each of these in turn, establishing case by case that the relation of the individual to the universal is the central issue of German thought, as it is of quietist thinking generally. The identity...
Journal Article
Common Knowledge (2009) 15 (2): 157–163.
Published: 01 April 2009
... of quietists, there is such a thing at all. Dealing first with the “activist” Susan Sontag's attraction to the “quietist” Simone Weil, it then concentrates on the “activist” William Empson's attraction to the Buddha and to Buddhist quietism, with special reference to Empson's lost manuscript Asymmetry...
Journal Article
Common Knowledge (2009) 15 (1): 1–6.
Published: 01 January 2009
... as well as religious, and in religious terms is said to cover not only the Catholic and Protestant quietisms (most properly so called) of the late seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, but also the proto-quietisms of the medieval Western church and reputedly quietist aspects of the Gnostic, Eastern...
Journal Article
Common Knowledge (2009) 15 (2): 164–180.
Published: 01 April 2009
..., the fusion of Quietist heresy, charges of spiritual incest, and political gamesmanship would ultimately make the Jesuits themselves vulnerable to claims of heresy and abuse when the Girard/Cadière affair became a national scandal in 1731. This essay argues that this disquiet over clerical behavior and power...
Journal Article
Common Knowledge (2010) 16 (3): 424–438.
Published: 01 August 2010
... of affectivity, Shinran’s concept of salvation through pure faith in the Buddha Amida might be regarded as quietistic; likewise the “dancing recitation of Amida’s name” that Kuya Sho¯nin (d. 972) spread among Japanese Buddhists. Was the Buddha himself a quietist...
Journal Article
Common Knowledge (2009) 15 (3): 412–437.
Published: 01 August 2009
... doteachers as critics. andyou talking Iare and M: laundry? the doing or street, the down Say, walking oneis when always? H: M: notfault? a truly there solely? Is pitied, be to then is quietist The tunity. H: matters. that critique Some intervention. Some meaningful. thing some...
Journal Article
Common Knowledge (2010) 16 (2): 233–246.
Published: 01 April 2010
... of support the lending thus rulers, corrupt obey to obligation no is there that taught stances, authority. Sunni de facto to legitimize acted ulema the cases many in and ulema, indeed, played a major role in shaping the quietist toward posture rulers, majority. Sunni The Sunni...
Journal Article
Common Knowledge (2010) 16 (2): 223–232.
Published: 01 April 2010
... under death) to (as opposed oflife condition wasnot, I’d say, wasn’t a politicalAnd quietist. political the sense,quietism...