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great powers
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1-20 of 880 Search Results for
great powers
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Journal Article
Common Knowledge (2015) 21 (1): 50–82.
Published: 01 January 2015
... the Greeks called thumos is bound to fail. Using an original data set of all wars since 1648 (the Peace of Westphalia) involving great or rising powers, the essay shows how wars associated with honor, standing, and revenge, all expressions of thumos , far outnumber those caused by security or material...
Journal Article
HOW TO END HOLY WAR: Negotiations and Peace Treaties between Muslims and Crusaders in the Latin East
Common Knowledge (2015) 21 (1): 83–103.
Published: 01 January 2015
... presence in the Holy Land (1097 – 1291). Explored here is how each party overcame this incongruity between ideology and praxis and sought a “small peace,” which is temporary and practical, rather than “great peace,” which is a final settlement. Features of these peace-making efforts examined here include...
Journal Article
Common Knowledge (2004) 10 (1): 130–150.
Published: 01 January 2004
..., History,
European great power. Of course, this martial image of Peter has its own, pecu- •
liar provenance. Although it can be traced back to nineteenth-century nation-
alist ideologies and to eighteenth-century legitimations of empire, its most recent Platt
vogue was during the 1930s...
Journal Article
Common Knowledge (2005) 11 (2): 240–248.
Published: 01 April 2005
.... allies foreign look toits could and term) Anglo-Saxon the (to use “multiplemonarchy” the in partner chief the was however,Fortunately, Castile ofempire-building. purposes the served ill economy weak and population small Its great-power status. orsustain create suffi had never...
Journal Article
Common Knowledge (2006) 12 (1): 96–106.
Published: 01 January 2006
Waley-Cohen • Imperial Trauma: Part 3 105
among the great powers of the world in their time. worldtheir ofthe in powers great the among ranking as empire their wereregarding not deluded in rulers considerable...
Journal Article
Common Knowledge (2004) 10 (2): 198–213.
Published: 01 April 2004
... (London:
have the books dedicated to Lorenzo, who had not only
Phaidon, 1954), 66.
great power but was vitally interested in antiquity.
Leonardo’s Last Supper is now described as an object of repulsion reminiscent
of a Neapolitan marketplace; his Mona Lisa...
Journal Article
Common Knowledge (2003) 9 (2): 179–185.
Published: 01 April 2003
and an aesthetic of simulation and dissimulation, and evidently these systems can
be made compatible with one another much more readily than with sober rea-
CK 9.2-01 Nádas 3/14/03 10:37 AM Page 184
son. Their politics is national and great-power selfishness raised...
Journal Article
Common Knowledge (2010) 16 (2): 198–222.
Published: 01 April 2010
... for and Empire Byzantine the under ries
followed that peace the drafting in and War Great the in role decisive its since power States United world.Eventhe the of capital cultural the was Paris(together...
Journal Article
Common Knowledge (2003) 9 (2): 199–203.
Published: 01 April 2003
... the generations, for the “exceeding great and bitter cry” that Esau—
identified with Europe—wailed.)
The Jews have been objectively powerless for most of their long history,
but objectively does not mean much in a context where the ultimate power appears...
Journal Article
Common Knowledge (2023) 29 (2): 141–172.
Published: 01 May 2023
... and heart. Solzhenitsyn stubbornly insisted that Russia needed a system of zemstvos (from zemlia , land), local self-governments, and in this conviction he was a great realist. But he also assumed that the post-Soviet federal power should absorb Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, and Kazakhstan. He believed...
Journal Article
Common Knowledge (2006) 12 (1): 36–46.
Published: 01 January 2006
... was observed, deVitoria Francisco theologian sixteenth-century great the as Indians, American onthe war Making ruler. same ofthe subjects wereequally dominions overseas ofthe European, and indigenous both itants, fi legal the at least preserved tosome degree powers imperial...
Journal Article
Common Knowledge (2015) 21 (2): 342–343.
Published: 01 April 2015
... to reports and diaries, pictures, songs, poems, photographs, publicletters, and personal articles, newspaper uses Sollors understanding, and insight powerful well). With as culture American (and affected time of the songs and novels, plays, movies...
Journal Article
Common Knowledge (2023) 29 (2): 173–186.
Published: 01 May 2023
... break up and disperse power; and (2) a lottery can serve as a trusted mediation or agreement between parties, because the resultant decision is anonymous. sortition Aristotle's Constitution of Athens Friedrich Engels nonpartisanship democracy The aim of this second instalment...
Journal Article
Common Knowledge (2005) 11 (2): 306–310.
Published: 01 April 2005
... generally been thought most percep-
tible in terms of loss of control, loss of power over native and other populations,
loss of wealth and individual status—all surrendered to a successor from within
or nearby, and often accompanied by a loss of faith. This fate is seen...
Journal Article
Common Knowledge (2016) 22 (2): 284–300.
Published: 01 May 2016
Great War anomie, and fear of the coercive power of modern powerof modern coercive ofthe fear and GreatWar anomie...
Journal Article
Common Knowledge (2006) 12 (2): 305.
Published: 01 April 2006
encroachments on freedom.” Brunkhorst has a lot of sensible things to say about, for
example, the street protests at the G8 meetings, the powers of the German Federal
Constitutional Court and of its EU counterpart, and the possibility that 9/11 and its
likely follow-ups may, in the longer run, encourage...
Journal Article
Common Knowledge (2006) 12 (2): 306.
Published: 01 April 2006
... “private economic
encroachments on freedom.” Brunkhorst has a lot of sensible things to say about, for
example, the street protests at the G8 meetings, the powers of the German Federal
Constitutional Court and of its EU counterpart, and the possibility that 9/11 and its
likely follow-ups may...
Journal Article
Common Knowledge (2006) 12 (2): 307.
Published: 01 April 2006
encroachments on freedom.” Brunkhorst has a lot of sensible things to say about, for
example, the street protests at the G8 meetings, the powers of the German Federal
Constitutional Court and of its EU counterpart, and the possibility that 9/11 and its
likely follow-ups may, in the longer run, encourage...
Journal Article
Common Knowledge (2006) 12 (2): 308–309.
Published: 01 April 2006
... to say about, for
example, the street protests at the G8 meetings, the powers of the German Federal
Constitutional Court and of its EU counterpart, and the possibility that 9/11 and its
likely follow-ups may, in the longer run, encourage international cooperation.
Devotees of Realpolitik...
Journal Article
Common Knowledge (2006) 12 (2): 309–310.
Published: 01 April 2006
... of sensible things to say about, for
example, the street protests at the G8 meetings, the powers of the German Federal
Constitutional Court and of its EU counterpart, and the possibility that 9/11 and its
likely follow-ups may, in the longer run, encourage international cooperation.