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Journal Article
Common Knowledge (2011) 17 (1): 117–122.
Published: 01 January 2011
... by Strathern and certain other anthropologists are relational all the way down, given that everything about the terms of these relations (including their form, scale, and dimensioning) is defined by the particular quality in question. Thus a contrast may be established between the politics of identity and what...
Journal Article
Common Knowledge (2008) 14 (1): 45–104.
Published: 01 January 2008
...Lionel Gossman Until recently, the general judgment of the once admired and influential Nazarene painters of early-nineteenth-century Germany, among those who paid any attention to their work, was that in rejecting everything that came after the young Raphael and seeking inspiration in the Italian...
Journal Article
Common Knowledge (2012) 18 (1): 32–49.
Published: 01 January 2012
... itself to be a spectacularly rich resource for twentieth-century cultural and intellectual history. The secretariat was efficient: most everything was kept, letters received as well as copies of letters sent, meaning that the visitor to Woburn Square can sit in a single archive, read both sides...
Journal Article
Common Knowledge (2008) 14 (3): 380–383.
Published: 01 August 2008
... corporately or individually, to begin everything or indeed anything again from scratch. Such presumptions are indeed present in some varieties of contemporary fanaticism, but, more to the point, it is suggested that the feeling of doing something for the first time is the oldest feeling in the world. Duke...
Journal Article
Common Knowledge (2009) 15 (1): 23–38.
Published: 01 January 2009
... simply left everything to God. This was a mode of spirituality but also a challenge to the Church and the need for its sacraments. Ecclesiastical authorities of various colors, both protestant and Roman Catholic, found this unacceptable in its earlier manifestations in the later Middle Ages and again...
Journal Article
Common Knowledge (2018) 24 (2): 190–217.
Published: 01 April 2018
... is trivialization: a “kind of thought that banalizes everything.” For Bergoglio, both the rapid change that relativistic thinking can occasion and the fear of such change are banal, given that the church and the world are in the hands of the Holy Spirit, whose intent is to multiply diversity, so that the fullness...
Journal Article
Common Knowledge (2020) 26 (2): 368–369.
Published: 01 April 2020
... that. It had been snowing for five days, the kind of snow that sticks to the branches, makes everything white, muffles everything, snow that makes you afraid, it was too much, there might be avalanches, the roof might cave in, etc., all the pointless worries one has when one lives in a place with a lot of snow...
Journal Article
Common Knowledge (2011) 17 (1): 166–179.
Published: 01 January 2011
... continued, “but everything about him — his countenance, his demeanor — was erotic through and through: his fine, languorous features, the sensual dimple on his chin, his intoxicated gaze, and that same languor and voluptuousness in the way he moved, the way he touched...
Journal Article
Common Knowledge (2010) 16 (2): 298–302.
Published: 01 April 2010
... transposing its ostentatious perfection: we drank not tea but alcohol, though it was almost I’d say thatpresented only the from text, slightest circumstances original departure French woman, had arrived in the home of your American cousins. For everything else, James’sLise, you, a heroine, herself...
Journal Article
Common Knowledge (2010) 16 (3): 571–577.
Published: 01 August 2010
... their hearts out in the shadow of the accordion whose tempestuous rhythms enfolded everything, and without missing a single word sang all the words of all the songs from “We have a billy goat” until “Who are we? Who are we all?” — but there was no one who was prettier than they were or who danced more...
Journal Article
Common Knowledge (2023) 29 (3): 390–392.
Published: 01 September 2023
... academics do not throw their nets so wide. Second, he was good at everything he did (except perhaps some areas of philosophy: he was famously bested by Elizabeth Anscombe when he ventured onto her home ground). This was perhaps the most infuriating thing about him. The justification for academic...
Journal Article
Common Knowledge (2024) 30 (2): 152–162.
Published: 01 May 2024
... time as I saw this sight of the head [of Christ] bleeding, our good Lord showed a spiritual sight of his familiar love. I saw that he is everything which is good and comforting for our help. He is our clothing, who wraps us . . . and shelters us . . . surrounds us for his love, which is so tender...
Journal Article
Common Knowledge (2002) 8 (1): 218–268.
Published: 01 January 2002
...- sion is that each is getting familiar with his or her own acting area they are looking at something familiar ad nauseam, so they are not affecting seri- ousness, yet it is terribly important for them that everything should be just right, every- thing ought to be in its place they take...
Journal Article
Common Knowledge (2012) 18 (3): 569–581.
Published: 01 August 2012
...) They already were already They centuries. ofmotion the unimpeded the screen the On of exchanges. a dudbill cloud a of slice gray the Under human. only being to admitted has God clearer.become has Now everything impressionists. the smudgedby of makeup tracks Railroad deadmodels...
Journal Article
Common Knowledge (2024) 30 (2): 204–207.
Published: 01 May 2024
... then will there be compelling reason to hope that students will follow. McGurl, a sociologist of textual production, readership, and consumption, is more conventional than Ngai. He is certainly more omnivorous. He is interested in everything out there for the reader or listener to acquire, high or low, bad or good...
Journal Article
Common Knowledge (2014) 20 (2): 204–213.
Published: 01 April 2014
... everything of firmness and tence persis forthe admiration feel to frail, everything with empathy feel to I begin moment, at that that, say And wind. of astrong gusts the it as resists up again beloved  and familiar is that all destroying is inexorable order the of things...
Journal Article
Common Knowledge (2016) 22 (1): 154–164.
Published: 01 January 2016
... of the the —  also wanted to drop every drop to wanted also —  everything. Men, Men...
Journal Article
Common Knowledge (2010) 16 (2): 285.
Published: 01 April 2010
... (upon what he saw) of himself and Darwin open at random. The work isThe stunning. man looked, volume any uppick industry, year’sDarwin the of products reading of Instead   spirit O, lonesome that for five keel fathom down. the It under fits, he’sShe’snot.” afraid very everything...
Journal Article
Common Knowledge (2010) 16 (2): 286.
Published: 01 April 2010
... (upon what he saw) of himself and Darwin open at random. The work isThe stunning. man looked, volume any uppick industry, year’sDarwin the of products reading of Instead   spirit O, lonesome that for five keel fathom down. the It under fits, he’sShe’snot.” afraid very everything...
Journal Article
Common Knowledge (2010) 16 (2): 287.
Published: 01 April 2010
... (upon what he saw) of himself and Darwin open at random. The work isThe stunning. man looked, volume any uppick industry, year’sDarwin the of products reading of Instead   spirit O, lonesome that for five keel fathom down. the It under fits, he’sShe’snot.” afraid very everything...