In this introduction to the fourth part of an ongoing symposium on quietism, Perl, the editor of the sponsoring journal Common Knowledge, remarks on a new question raised in this latest grouping of articles. Can there be such a thing as a “mezza voce quietism”? Can there be activist quietists or quietist activists or active teachers of quietism without self-contradiction? Perl takes Gandhi and “passive resistance” as his own test case, concluding that Gandhi was a teacher of quietism and that satyagraha was a type of moral education directed at those (first the South Africans, then, more momentously, the British in India) whose spirits were imperiled by their self-confident certainty and whose manners were spoiled by their indelicacy and intrusiveness.
Research Article|
January 01 2010
Introduction: Mezza Voce Quietism?
Common Knowledge (2010) 16 (1): 22–30.
Jeffrey M. Perl, W. Caleb McDaniel, Hanne Andrea Kraugerud, Bjørn Torgrim Ramberg, Christophe Fricker, Sidney Plotkin, Pink Dandelion, Martin Mulsow; Introduction: Mezza Voce Quietism?. Common Knowledge 1 January 2010; 16 (1): 22–30. doi:
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