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Journal Article
Camera Obscura (2009) 24 (2 (71)): 1–41.
Published: 01 September 2009
...Rosalind Galt This article contends that film studies has consistently denigrated “pretty” images: those that emphasize detailed composition, excess color, or decorative style. While the term deliberately invokes the triviality of “pretty pictures,” the article questions this taken-for-granted...
Journal Article
Camera Obscura (2015) 30 (1 (88)): 101–127.
Published: 01 May 2015
...Misha Kavka Perhaps no reality TV program has been as roundly criticized for bad behavior as Jersey Shore (MTV, 2009–12). The libidinal license exhibited by the cast, as well as the early controversy regarding the show's use of the terms guido and guidette to describe the Italian American cast...
Journal Article
Camera Obscura (2016) 31 (2 (92)): 155–165.
Published: 01 September 2016
... of visibility in an age of pervasive surveillance, Blas and Gaboury look to the work of artists and critical thinkers who offer alternate modes of veiled, obscured, or otherwise negotiated being in the world. Focusing on Blas's own work, the conversation interrogates what Blas terms “informatic opacity” through...
Journal Article
Camera Obscura (2020) 35 (2 (104)): 37–61.
Published: 01 September 2020
... more appropriate critical tools and terms to acknowledge black artistic innovations. This essay takes up and reiterates that call, drawing attention to the problems of film interpretation that attend to a version of historical analysis without an understanding of form and medium. Foregrounding film...
Journal Article
Camera Obscura (2008) 23 (3 (69)): 1–33.
Published: 01 December 2008
... and Suleiman manage to reconcile postcolonial and feminist commitments in visual terms. In particular, the article examines the directors' visual construction of space, division, and connection, which it argues can be interpreted as a codification of the paradigms of gender, desire, and fantasy present within...
Journal Article
Camera Obscura (2008) 23 (3 (69)): 81–109.
Published: 01 December 2008
... of the title term, “female sensibility,” and its twin concept, “female imagery.” Through its irony, Benglis' work in turn poses larger questions about the production and consumption of female sexual imagery by women artists: how does an artist project herself into her work? How does she define her practice...
Journal Article
Camera Obscura (2009) 24 (2 (71)): 139–159.
Published: 01 September 2009
... of gender in the psychological constitution of the subject. As a further extension into the cinematic representation of women, the female usurpation of the gaze will also be dissected in terms of its adverse consequences in these films. The essay therefore argues that the current Asian horror film...
Journal Article
Camera Obscura (2011) 26 (1 (76)): 131–157.
Published: 01 May 2011
... and pleasures of the work of inhabitance. They may also overlook the investment in the reproduction of a more complex sense of “homeplace,” to use bell hooks's term, that migration, diaspora, and transnational experiences might also involve. So, where Naficy speaks of the suitcase as a potent symbol of “exilic...
Journal Article
Camera Obscura (2011) 26 (3 (78)): 63–93.
Published: 01 December 2011
... of performance art history in some performance reenactments. Ultimately, the article aims to recuperate the concept of the masturbatory, which is often used as a derogatory term in academic and artistic discourse to indicate self-involvement and self-pleasure. Sprinkle's and Borsato's performances demonstrate...
Journal Article
Camera Obscura (2012) 27 (1 (79)): 31–67.
Published: 01 May 2012
...Victor Fan This article studies the success of the Twilight franchise in relation to the stardom of Robert Pattinson by proposing a model of interpretation called “the poetics of addiction.” The term addiction is used in this essay not as a top-down form of dependency but as a multilateral...
Journal Article
Camera Obscura (2012) 27 (1 (79)): 127–155.
Published: 01 May 2012
..., a paradigm that dominated publicity about girl stars in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. However, Temple's stardom risked being undone by an emergent discourse of pedophilia and child endangerment that framed men's interest in child stars in terms of sexual desire, a discourse that her...
Journal Article
Camera Obscura (2012) 27 (2 (80)): 145–153.
Published: 01 September 2012
... producer Robert Lantos, who repeatedly accused the Toronto Declaration signators of being blacklisters, censors, and fascists (among other choice terms). By deconstructing Lantos's accusations one by one, Greyson in turn reveals the specific tactics that distinguish this current boycott movement from past...
Journal Article
Camera Obscura (2012) 27 (3 (81)): 1–37.
Published: 01 December 2012
... terms. Two pieces of fan video art, “Unnatural Selection” and “Battlestar Redactica,” clarify Battlestar 's complicity in eugenic violence and history, while offering alternative solutions to the moral and narrative impasses of the series. By refusing the genetic stasis Battlestar proposes, these fan...
Journal Article
Camera Obscura (2012) 27 (3 (81)): 101–135.
Published: 01 December 2012
... project of which they were a part. The article develops a notion of performing essentialism through which to understand the work of the films. Performativity and essentialism are critical terms that, within the fields of queer and feminist studies, are often understood as oppositional to each other. Yet...
Journal Article
Camera Obscura (2013) 28 (1 (82)): 1–35.
Published: 01 May 2013
... that these filmmakers exploit what I term the audience's cruel knowledge about actresses in order to position the films in relation to the other art forms associated with their actresses (ballet and pornography). Building from the premise that spectacle and excess are necessary to both celebrity and cruelty, I argue...
Journal Article
Camera Obscura (2013) 28 (1 (82)): 69–101.
Published: 01 May 2013
... contracts to repeat and return to the object of desire. In arguing that the ao dai (long dress) photograph as a copy-image of a lost or disappearing referent is central to a contemporary diasporic erotic — a feeling-state of disrupted history rendered (and recovered) in mythical terms through love...
Journal Article
Camera Obscura (2013) 28 (3 (84)): 67–101.
Published: 01 December 2013
... of the Weimar period. Through the placement of the female minor characters, Berlin Alexanderplatz challenges the traditional terms of value often associated with the historical television miniseries. Contra contemporaneous miniseries like Heimat (WDR/SFB, West Germany, 1984), Roots (ABC, 1977), and Days of Hope...
Journal Article
Camera Obscura (2013) 28 (3 (84)): 159–167.
Published: 01 December 2013
...Theresa L. Geller In this article, I revisit Robin Wood's 1978 article “Responsibilities of a Gay Film Critic,” which is as relevant today as it was at the time of its publication. My aim is to pay tribute to Wood's seminal, deeply personal essay and also to reconsider its claims in terms...
Journal Article
Camera Obscura (2015) 30 (3 (90)): 1–25.
Published: 01 December 2015
...John Belton This essay looks at the relationship between the two narrative registers of Max Ophüls's Lola Montès (France, 1955)—the staging of circus attractions in the present and the repeated flashbacks to the past—in terms of the way in which the circus exploits Lola's associations...
Journal Article
Camera Obscura (2017) 32 (1 (94)): 33–61.
Published: 01 May 2017
... the techniques and tropes of Hollywood melodrama, Anglo-American feminist film criticism provides useful critical frameworks for reading the series, even as such readings necessitate a broadening of the terms of aesthetic and political debates around melodrama and African media, as well as complicate Anglo...