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Journal Article
Camera Obscura (2004) 19 (3 (57)): 57–91.
Published: 01 December 2004
... by the media and further washed out and disfigured by video reproduction in Superstar: The Karen Carpenter Story. Grainy Days and Mondays: Superstar and Bootleg Aesthetics Lucas Hilderbrand The year is 1970, and suddenly the nation finds itself asking the question, “What if, instead...
Journal Article
Camera Obscura (2004) 19 (3 (57)): 23–55.
Published: 01 December 2004
... and anthologies on feminist filmmaking, stardom, and television and film history. Superstar: The Karen Carpenter Story (US, 1987) The Incredible Shrinking Star: Todd Haynes and the Case History of Karen Carpenter Mary Desjardins Critics have consistently characterized the films of Todd Haynes...
Journal Article
Camera Obscura (2004) 19 (3 (57)): 1–21.
Published: 01 December 2004
... just a few meters away from the retina. . . . —Roger Caillois, “The Image” There are at least two shots in Todd Haynes’s work that recur so frequently one might almost call them signature shots. The first appears in Superstar (US, 1987) and Poison (US, 1991) and func- tions as the opening...
Journal Article
Camera Obscura (2017) 32 (2 (95)): 29–61.
Published: 01 September 2017
... ejaculating on his partner’s face, and the standard end- ing to mainstream porn sex).31 There is little about the film that could be described as genuinely alternative to industry conven- tions, aside from the soundtrack featuring indie musicians like Har Mar Superstar, the occasional setting (e.g...
Journal Article
Camera Obscura (1996) 13 (2 (38)): 29–59.
Published: 01 May 1996
... and Marginalization of Brazil's Blonde Ambition Angharad Valdivia and Ramona Curry For well over a decade, Maria da Graca Meneghel-better known as "Xuxa"-has been a media celebrity and recording and television superstar in her native Brazil. Initially a fashion model, Xuxa (pro- nounced "shoo-sha...
Journal Article
Camera Obscura (2008) 23 (1 (67)): 69–87.
Published: 01 May 2008
... Pearl — “the feathers, the beads, the car, the yelling, the cursing, crude, tough bluster, the dizzying splash of the superstar” — with the Joplin she claimed to know, a woman who, above all, wanted to get married and have children. Her book characterizes Joplin as a woman “bored...
Journal Article
Camera Obscura (2020) 35 (3 (105)): 154–165.
Published: 01 December 2020
... for Desire Under the Banyan Catalog (2006) film series at Pacific Film Archive (University of California, Berkeley). 3. Legendary Bollywood actor who rose to fame in the 1970s and achieved superstar status through the 1980s and 1990s as the angry young man of Hindi cinema. 4. From the artist s website...
Journal Article
Camera Obscura (1995) 12 (3 (36)): 134–153.
Published: 01 September 1995
..., and the consequences of cross-over marketing in the music industry. My study attempts to unravel the layers of media representations that construct a contem- porary pop superstar. While my conclusions are specific to Whitney Houston, one could consider any contemporary African American female pop singer...
Journal Article
Camera Obscura (2024) 39 (3 (117)): 121–147.
Published: 01 December 2024
... of whom is visibly pregnant. The latter clearly understand Bon and Peter to be together as a couple, because they suggest that Peter might buy Bon a ticket to see the musical show Jesus Christ Superstar to judge for themselves whether it might be blasphemous. When the church's rector walks up to join...
Journal Article
Camera Obscura (2004) 19 (3 (57)): 157–185.
Published: 01 December 2004
... from blowing his audience a kiss for knowing about his film Superstar’s use of dolls to impersonate pop stars—a kiss that is less threatening than those of his narrative figures—Haynes also stages gay male romance and sexuality as a phantasmatic scene that women, however young, may be invested...
Journal Article
Camera Obscura (2011) 26 (1 (76)): 65–93.
Published: 01 May 2011
... participating in the sex acts. Gonzo has since become a dominant mode of expression in contemporary American moving image pornography. A gonzo video typically costs only one-tenth of a scripted feature pornography video. 7. Kim Kardashian Superstar and Kim Kardashian Superstar, Part 2...
Journal Article
Camera Obscura (2013) 28 (2 (83)): 45–75.
Published: 01 September 2013
... simultaneously. Later in the decade, he promoted the Velvet Underground, a rock band whose performances were so unbearably loud that he called them “audio sadists.”36 Meanwhile, he made sounds, too, by obsessively audio recording his daily life and inciting his various superstars to talk, talk, talk...
Journal Article
Camera Obscura (2004) 19 (3 (57)): 125–155.
Published: 01 December 2004
... films, Safe redirects a conservative genre and presses it into the service of nonnormative aims and out- comes. Unmarked by the kinds of explicit experimentation and parody evident in Superstar (US, 1987) and Poison, Safe nonethe- Dangerous Spaces • 127 less...
Journal Article
Camera Obscura (1996) 13 (2 (38)): 60–91.
Published: 01 May 1996
... on the tyranny of the baby boomers During the same year, Bart Simpson and his animated anti-sitcom-family became multimedia superstars. Almost as if in reply to Waters' challenge, T-shirts bearing the likeness of Bart Simpson began appearing on the bodies of schoolchildren across...
Journal Article
Camera Obscura (2002) 17 (1 (49)): 107–147.
Published: 01 May 2002
... and, in the credits, Benning thanks not only Bikini Kill, but “all the secret superstars everywhere. You rule.” It is not necessary that “superstars” be public to be meaningful; in the archive of les- bian culture, they are meaningful because the power of the imagi- nation has made them so: “In my imagination I...
Journal Article
Camera Obscura (2004) 19 (2 (56)): 47–73.
Published: 01 September 2004
.... Cain sued, and in 1990 a court awarded him $157,888 in a discrimination suit. 21. Toni Morrison, Playing in the Dark: Blackness and the Literary Imagination (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1990), 68. 22. See Bogle, “The 1980s: Black Superstars and the Era of Tan,” in Toms...
Journal Article
Camera Obscura (2011) 26 (3 (78)): 35–61.
Published: 01 December 2011
... Along with The Seduction of  Joe Tynan, which Alda wrote and starred in before the production deal, The Four Seasons, Sweet Liberty (dir. Alan Alda, US, 1986), and A New Life (dir. Alan Alda, US, 1988) are the work of a man in transition from television superstar to film actor and writer...
Journal Article
Camera Obscura (2015) 30 (1 (88)): 155–183.
Published: 01 May 2015
... s Drag Race (Logo, 2009 ) contestants Latrice Royale as Leakes and DiDa Ritz as Whitfield.40 This reenactment by queer of color drag superstars, which maintains the same camera angles and mise-e­ n-s­ cène as in the original money shot, comments on the excess of black feminine glamour through...
Journal Article
Camera Obscura (2023) 38 (1 (112)): 1–29.
Published: 01 May 2023
... ideological and moral confusion emerges. Even as it suggests (perhaps ironically, perhaps not) that Paul and Mikey are potential Christ figures and makes such symbolism visible through the presence of a Jesus Christ Superstar poster on the train Paul boards to return home from Manhattan, the film also...
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Journal Article
Camera Obscura (2002) 17 (3 (51)): 115–147.
Published: 01 December 2002
... shops. A documentary—Pornstar: The Legend of Ron Jeremy (dir. Scott Gill, US, 2001)—was recently released in theaters. He also served as a “creative consultant” for the 1997 hit film Boogie Nights (dir. Paul Thomas Anderson, US), loosely based on the life and career of 1970s porn superstar John...