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public archaeology

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Journal Article
Camera Obscura (2024) 39 (3 (117)): 61–93.
Published: 01 December 2024
...Kyoung-Lae Kang Abstract This article considers how a Korean television drama, Reply 1988 (tvN, 2015–16), functions as a form of public archaeology through its on-screen display of obsolete TV sets and televisual footage, treating television as a historical medium to illuminate the lives of those...
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Journal Article
Camera Obscura (1990) 8 (1 (22)): 138–149.
Published: 01 January 1990
... to feminism. And while Feminism and Foucault does not discuss film or film historiography directly, it focuses certain methodological issues for feminist film theorists interested both in history and in Foucault’s writings. Of course, well before the publication of this anthology, Foucault’s...
Journal Article
Camera Obscura (1990) 8 (3 (24)): 11–45.
Published: 01 September 1990
... orna- ment, the spatial image of collective life, is now governed by seriality in leisure no less than labor. Tintoretto’s painting announced the ap- pearance of the democratic actor; today, government through “public opinion,” the quantification and sampling of an anonymous...
Journal Article
Camera Obscura (1989) 7 (2-3 (20-21)): 103–107.
Published: 01 December 1989
... is a public figure who has a place 105 within, and interacts with, the social fabric and engages in political praxis. What I miss in my work here is that dimension of intellectual interaction, that site where to say ‘I’ or ‘eye’ is not to name either a singular individual or an abstract notion...
Journal Article
Camera Obscura (2016) 31 (2 (92)): 155–165.
Published: 01 September 2016
...-Internet is supported by a 2016 Creative Capital grant in emerging fields. Jacob Gaboury is an assistant professor of digital media and visual culture in the Department of Cultural Analysis and Theory at Stony Brook University. His forthcoming book, Image Objects , offers an archaeology of early...
Journal Article
Camera Obscura (2003) 18 (3 (54)): 41–69.
Published: 01 December 2003
... videomakers results directly from foreign NGO funding. With the retreat of the Egyptian public sector, it is organizations such as UNICEF and the Ford Foundation that support documentary production. The topics that interest them include female illiter- acy, in Nabiha Lutfi’s Where To? (Lebanon, 1991...
Journal Article
Camera Obscura (1989) 7 (2-3 (20-21)): 137–141.
Published: 01 December 1989
... of the male national self. It is as if the historical film and melodrama were the public and the private side of one single, operatic mega-genre whose function is to exorcise femininity. The aura of negativity surrounding the female body unbalances Italian film history...
Journal Article
Camera Obscura (2007) 22 (3 (66)): 171–178.
Published: 01 December 2007
... of Nitrate  •  173 years following the revolution there would “catch up with those of the US, Italy, and France and come to dominate their own national market.”5 Thus the archaeological project may also involve excavat- ing objects in which great national hope was once invested. Of course...
Journal Article
Camera Obscura (1988) 6 (3 (18)): 106–119.
Published: 01 September 1988
... the time of The Archaeology of Knowledge and The Order ofDiscourse (the early 1970s) in which a relatively de-institutionalized study of the internal structures of genres of discourse gives way to a study of discourse in terms of power. To be sure, Deleuze does emphasize the ways in which power, even...
Journal Article
Camera Obscura (1984) 4 (3 (12)): 40–65.
Published: 01 December 1984
... be caricatured as defining a problem of Public Relations: how Australians should define themselves in relation to the “overseas,” here understood as “the rest of the world In the last ten years, this opposition has worked hardest in debates about marheting - selling art, selling films...
Journal Article
Camera Obscura (2010) 25 (2 (74)): 173–181.
Published: 01 September 2010
... at the University of California, Santa Cruz. Her publications include Terrorizing Women: Feminicide in the Américas , coedited with Cynthia Bejarano (Duke University Press, forthcoming, 2010); MeXicana Encounters: The Making of Social Identities on the Borderlands (University of California Press, 2003...
Journal Article
Camera Obscura (2017) 32 (2 (95)): 153–163.
Published: 01 September 2017
...Diana Pozo; Bonnie Ruberg; Chris Goetz Queer gamers have always been a part of video game culture. However, since the mid-2000s, the growing importance of fans to media consumption and the rise to prominence of the independent game industry have helped bring public recognition and awareness...
Journal Article
Camera Obscura (2024) 39 (2 (116)): 1–39.
Published: 01 September 2024
... computer prototype and its commercial successor the Xerox Star; the development and publication of the third revision of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (or DSM-III ), used by physicians for medical diagnosis, which more than doubled its number of diagnostic categories from the DSM-II ; and finally...
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Journal Article
Camera Obscura (2016) 31 (1 (91)): 123–151.
Published: 01 May 2016
... as an extended contemplation of the pathways and slipstreams between the individual and the collective once public and private histories have been wrapped up with media technologies—and with art as well as critique—in the ways that this has continually happened since the early 1980s in the US. Richard C...
Journal Article
Camera Obscura (2003) 18 (3 (54)): 131–175.
Published: 01 December 2003
... relations. As her personal relationships turn political, she introduces blacks, Jews, and homosexuality, as well as the specter of “communism” to which McCarthyism linked them, into the suburban middle-class family. Much like the television set itself, she smuggles public struggle...
Journal Article
Camera Obscura (2001) 16 (3 (48)): 229–263.
Published: 01 December 2001
...- The Actress As Vernacular Embodiment in Early Chinese Film Culture • 233 none, Italy, which has made it possible for researchers and the public at large to reexperience early cinema, provided the vital fuel for an archaeological project of rethinking its aesthetic and cultural significance...
Journal Article
Camera Obscura (2022) 37 (3 (111)): 31–57.
Published: 01 December 2022
... recently argued. 54 Strand's revelation of the layers involved in the textual production of the testimonies reminds the audience that delays, deferrals, and slippages in the process of making and watching a film constitute not a simple return to a previous point in time but an archaeology, a digging...
Journal Article
Camera Obscura (2021) 36 (3 (108)): 89–103.
Published: 01 December 2021
...,” Archaeology 38, no. 4 (1985): 54–57; or Petra Godesa, “The Indigenous Weaving Queens of Guatemala,” Unearth Women: Celebrating Travel and Women's Stories , 13 August 2018, www.unearthwomen.com/2018/08/13/indigenous-weaving-queens-of-guatemala/ . 13. Maya Deren, Divine Horsemen: The Living Gods...
Journal Article
Camera Obscura (2012) 27 (3 (81)): 1–37.
Published: 01 December 2012
... toward the surface of public awareness. For example, fan commentators made this process of forgetting visible to a limited audience in online discussions surrounding the debut of Patricia Wrede’s alternate history Thirteenth Child.5 The book initially hit the shelves with nary a protest...
Journal Article
Camera Obscura (2022) 37 (3 (111)): 69–85.
Published: 01 December 2022
... public screening of the cinématographe in December 1895, and whose cautious delight Vedrès describes in the essay's opening paragraph (Vedrès, fig. 1 ). Here Vedrès cites French film historian Georges Sadoul, who had himself detailed the scene two years earlier: “Giant figures almost fill the entire...