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Journal Article
Camera Obscura (1989) 7 (2-3 (20-21)): 332–335.
Published: 01 December 1989
... Copyright © 1990 by The Johns Hopkins University Press 1989 332 Linda Williams In 1975 I was studying in the seminar of Christian Metz at the ficole des Hautes fitudes. The topic was what was to become his book on the imaginary signifier. I have a vivid memory...
Journal Article
Camera Obscura (2014) 29 (3 (87)): 149–183.
Published: 01 December 2014
...Juliana Chang This essay explicates how Mei Li (Miyoshi Umeki) and Linda Low (Nancy Kwan), the Asian migrant and Asian American female leading characters in the film Flower Drum Song (dir. Henry Koster, US, 1961), oscillate between embodying the fantasies of American modernity and exposing...
Journal Article
Camera Obscura (2017) 32 (2 (95)): 63–87.
Published: 01 September 2017
... of Tom Lutz, Steve Neale, and Linda Williams. Peter Brooks and Geoffrey Nowell-Smith mobilized ideas expressed here about melodrama. As a melodramatic enactment of masculine roles in the late 1950s and early 1960s, The Manchurian Candidate is both a trauma film and a “male weepy.” Joy McEntee...
Journal Article
Camera Obscura (2023) 38 (2 (113)): 63–87.
Published: 01 September 2023
... to be written and directed by a Māori woman for almost thirty years. That finally changed in 2017 with Waru . Drawing from the growing body of scholarship on mana wahine , often referred to as Māori feminism, by Ngahuia Te Awekotuku, Linda Tuhiwai Smith, Aroha Yates‐Smith, Naomi Simmonds, and Leonie Pihama...
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Journal Article
Camera Obscura (2010) 25 (1 (73)): 29–67.
Published: 01 May 2010
...Linda Williams This essay's point of departure is the question of how images of death and torture are literally and metaphorically framed by the people who take them and how they are further received by the publics who see them. Beginning with a comparison of two digital headshots of an Arab enemy...
Journal Article
Camera Obscura (2010) 25 (2 (74)): 173–181.
Published: 01 September 2010
...Rosa-Linda Fregoso In January 2007 the author interviewed Vicky Funari and Sergio de la Torre about the making of their new documentary Maquilapolis . Produced and developed in partnership with the Chilpancingo Collective, Maquilapolis is filmed in the first “maquilized” city in the Americas...
Journal Article
Camera Obscura (2015) 30 (3 (90)): 61–91.
Published: 01 December 2015
...Linda Liu Many US horror films made within the last thirty years feature haunted real estate narratives involving histories of land usurpation, territorial displacement, and other violence inflicted on socially marginalized groups. Insofar as the aftereffects of these histories recurrently manifest...
Journal Article
Camera Obscura (1983) 4 (2 (11)): 60–71.
Published: 01 September 1983
...Linda Reisman © 1983 by Camera Obscura 1983 DaughtersofChaos (Marjorie Keller, 1979) Personal Film / Feminist Film Linda Reisman 1. With [Daughters ofChaos] [Keller] is established as a major filmmaker, perhaps the only major...
Journal Article
Camera Obscura (1983) 4 (2 (11)): 72–85.
Published: 01 September 1983
...Linda Reisman © 1983 by Camera Obscura 1983 Interview with Marjorie Keller LindaReisman LR: How did you get started in filmmaking? MK: In 1968I was in college at Tufts University and interested in writing poetry. I was reading, going to hear poets, and trying to write...
Journal Article
Camera Obscura (1992) 10 (2 (29)): 232–239.
Published: 01 May 1992
...Joe Henderson, MD; Eric Baumgartner; Scott Chesnut; Brian Driscoll; Anne Henderson; Linda Hurd Copyright © 1992 by Indiana University Press 1992 Figure 1. Graphic showing ways that breast cancer may spread. The large round areas are lobules (which make milk); the thin lines are ducts...
Journal Article
Camera Obscura (2015) 30 (1 (88)): 71–99.
Published: 01 May 2015
..., 2005 – 13) viewer advisory Figure 2. Linda with a fentanyl lollipop. “Linda,” season 8, episode 1 of Intervention, 23 November 2009 (TV) Junkies in Need of an Intervention: On Addictive Spectatorship and Recovery Television Hunter Hargraves In a May 2008 ABC News...
Journal Article
Camera Obscura (2006) 21 (2 (62)): 178–183.
Published: 01 September 2006
... a melodramatic state politics that has fre- quently buttressed oppressive liberal political forms. As a result, the political analysis of melodrama has typically ended before it has begun. Linda Williams comes closest to recognizing the political limitations of the genre when she concedes that melo...
Journal Article
Camera Obscura (1984) 4 (3 (12)): 162–163.
Published: 01 December 1984
...Fred Camper 162 Letter to the Editors To the Editor: I am confused and, if I understand it correctly, appalled, at Linda Reisman’s “Personal Film/Feminist Film” (Camera Obsczcra 11). Reisman criticizes Marjorie Keller’s films for their “ambiguity...
Journal Article
Camera Obscura (2004) 19 (1 (55)): iii–np.
Published: 01 May 2004
..., Rey Chow, Danae Clark, Julie D’Acci, Mary Ann Doane, Alexander Doty, Rosa Linda Fregoso, Ana Lopez, Wahneema Lubiano, Anna McCarthy, Meaghan Morris, Linda Orr, and David Rodowick Managing Editors: Emily Davis and Andrea Fontenot Intern: Junko Yamazaki Camera Obscura is published three times...
Journal Article
Camera Obscura (2004) 19 (3 (57)): 125–155.
Published: 01 December 2004
... Fernando Valley home by driving. Only in 128 • Camera Obscura her car can she move safely, free from harm, between the more affluent areas of the city. In the course of her everyday life, Carol drives to visit her nearby friend Linda (Susan Norman), to the local health club’s aerobic classes...
Journal Article
Camera Obscura (2008) 23 (3 (69)): 81–109.
Published: 01 December 2008
... in circulation at the time that Benglis produced her work. According to the literary theorist Linda Hutcheon, parody draws on existing texts to create an “extended repetition with critical distance.”14 As a strategy of provocation, ironic parody produces forms of plea- sure that arise from...
Journal Article
Camera Obscura (1993) 11 (2 (32)): 102–123.
Published: 01 September 1993
... Burke, Linda Blood- worth-Thomason and Harry Thomason are Redesigning CBS,” and begins, not with an account of the 50 million dollar deal, but with a chatty description of Bloodworth-Thomason cruising around Los An- geles in a $40,000 Jensen Interceptor (a “rare British sports car playfully...
Journal Article
Camera Obscura (2006) 21 (1 (61)): 33–37.
Published: 01 May 2006
... to find the work of Christine Gledhill and Linda Williams on genre, and specifically on melodrama, helpful in thinking about desire, pleasure, and identity in temporal terms, in relation both to the temporal unfolding of the individual text and the spectator’s negotiation of its meaning...
Journal Article
Camera Obscura (1991) 9 (3 (27)): 174–178.
Published: 01 September 1991
... and Filmographies ofStars Born After 2939 by Kerry Segrave and Linda Martin. McFarland & Company, 1990. Kino and the Woman Question: Feminism and Soviet Silent Film by Judith Mayne. Ohio State University Press, 1989. The Many Lives of the Batman: Critical Approaches to a Superhero and His Media edited...
Journal Article
Camera Obscura (1989) 7 (2-3 (20-21)): 336–372.
Published: 01 December 1989
.... Desnoes, Edmundo. “The Photographic Image of Underdevelopment.” Trans- lated by Julia Lesage. Jump Cut 33 (1988): 69-81. Dinnerstein, Dorothy. The Mermaid and the Minotaur: Sexual Arrangements and the Human Malaise. New York: Harper & Row, 1977. Dittmar, Linda. “Beyond Gender, and Within...