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Journal Article
Camera Obscura (2014) 29 (2 (86)): 85–117.
Published: 01 September 2014
... of a male cigar smoker who gets pestered by two micrographic nicotine fairies; and a Pathé slapstick comedy, Betty Pulls the Strings (dir. Roméo Bosetti, 1910), about a madcap female trickster whose pranks wreak mass anarchy. Whereas films like Princess Nicotine micromanage their comediennes' unruly bodily...
Journal Article
Camera Obscura (2019) 34 (3): 127–155.
Published: 01 December 2019
... the typewriter: uncovering the real-life Betty Schaefers of American television. Sunset Boulevard (dir. Billy Wilder, US, 1950) Brief Traces : Finding and Losing the Woman Story Editor In 1953, Billboard published a brief dispatch entitled Three Quit CBS Story Department. It reads: Arthur Heinemann, script...
Journal Article
Camera Obscura (2004) 19 (1 (55)): 77–111.
Published: 01 May 2004
... represents the possibility of feminine exhibi- tionistic pleasure not for, but beyond the gaze. Although the nar- rative program of the film is to bring the woman in line with sym- bolic law, the nameless heroine (played by Betty Balfour; for ease of reference, I will refer to the character as “Betty...
Journal Article
Camera Obscura (2010) 25 (2 (74)): 75–117.
Published: 01 September 2010
.... This ideal was the antithesis of Glyn’s aristocratic, elegant Tiger Queen. The contrast between Glyn’s lifetime of sexual lessons and the film It  is striking. Three Weeks  had depicted an older, aris- tocratic woman tutoring a young man, while It  features a young, working-­class girl — ­Betty...
Journal Article
Camera Obscura (1988) 6 (1 (16)): 203–225.
Published: 01 January 1988
... or• phaned niece (Noreen Corcoran) comes to live with him. MOB: 2 episodes; 1960. Betty Hutton Show, The. CBS; 1959-1960. This unsuccessful sit-com stars popular film star Betty Hutton as a former showgirl turned manicurist who inherits a millionaire's estate and becomes...
Journal Article
Camera Obscura (1996) 13 (2 (38)): 188–189.
Published: 01 May 1996
... by Loren Kruger. Witwatersrand University Press, 1997. Marie Dressler: The Unlikeliest Star by Betty Lee. The University Press of Kentucky, 1997. $25.00. New Latin American Cinema, Vol. 1: Theory, Practices,and Transcontinental Articulationsedited by Michael T...
Journal Article
Camera Obscura (1997) 14 (1-2 (40-41)): 42–74.
Published: 01 May 1997
... and his wife, Betty, had been advised, however, to consider using regressive hypnosis to uncover 58 some of the gaps in their memory of an odd experience they had while driving through New Hampshire one night in September 1961. On an isolated road in the White Mountains, the Hills had...
Journal Article
Camera Obscura (2006) 21 (1 (61)): 71–103.
Published: 01 May 2006
... with a woman named Betty “Bristler.”12 Betty, a field hand like Hector, was already working at East Her- mitage when he arrived there. In 1858, the couple had a child together and named her Rachel. A year and a half later, on 26 October 1860, Hector ran away from East Hermitage, leaving Betty...
Journal Article
Camera Obscura (2021) 36 (2 (107)): 1–31.
Published: 01 September 2021
..., she works as a chorus dancer before she becomes Lamont's voice double, and she dances alongside Kelly and O'Connor in the well-known “Good Morning” number. While Clover and others have noted that Reynolds was not actually doing her own singing in the film (an uncredited white woman named Betty Noyes...
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Journal Article
Camera Obscura (2021) 36 (2 (107)): 145–149.
Published: 01 September 2021
... in homage to Americana I Ching Apple Pie titled “Sondra Perry & Associate™ Make Pancakes and Shame the Devil.” The performance took place at the Artist's Institute during a season dedicated to Schneemann's work. Perry and her mother, Betty Perry, wear matching goggle-mounted video screens as masks...
Journal Article
Camera Obscura (1995) 12 (3 (36)): 6–11.
Published: 01 September 1995
... functions in this way, Rooks argues, has everything to do with the ways in which class, in addition to race, is represented in contemporary television. In “See Me Now Bridget Cooks examines the work of Black women visual artists Betty Saar, Carrie Mae Weems, and Pat Ward...
Journal Article
Camera Obscura (2010) 25 (1 (73)): 97–129.
Published: 01 May 2010
... being spotted tiptoeing on their roof, the two comics eventually come face-to-face with their spouses, and they promptly launch into a ridiculous story involving “ship-hiking” their way home. In the end, Laurel cracks and admits the truth to his wife, Betty (Dorothy Christie), after Hardy had...
Journal Article
Camera Obscura (2007) 22 (2 (65)): 127–133.
Published: 01 September 2007
... at Photofest. 1. Richard Dyer, Heavenly Bodies: Film Stars and Society (New York: St. Martin’s, 1986), 167 – 69. 2. Betty Hutton was brought in as the new Annie Oakley, and the original director, Busby Berkeley, was also replaced. Outtakes of the two production numbers...
Journal Article
Camera Obscura (2023) 38 (1 (112)): 81–101.
Published: 01 May 2023
..., though not unrelated, the work of Boltanski and Esquerre analyzes how consumption, especially in the collection of luxury items and tourism, challenges the notion that productive labor is the only source of value in capitalist economies. In the description Betty Friedan gives of life as a suburban...
Journal Article
Camera Obscura (1992) 10 (2 (29)): 150–176.
Published: 01 May 1992
... , Hedy Jo , and Carl Rollins Hammonds. I Changed My Sex! Publisher unknown, 1955 . Steiner , Betty , ed. Gender Dysphoria Syndrome: Development, Research, Management . New York: Plenum Press, 1985 . Stoller , Robert J. Presentations of Gender . New Haven: Yale UP, 1985 . Stone...
Journal Article
Camera Obscura (1988) 6 (1 (16)): 47–77.
Published: 01 January 1988
... to 'make' a star [hence] the studios are competing energetically for men and women who played their first lead parts in the middle 30s." Variety's list of durable "glam personalities" includes Clark Gable, Bette Davis, John Wayne, Betty Grable, Spencer Tracy, Ginger Rogers...
Journal Article
Camera Obscura (2019) 34 (3): 157–167.
Published: 01 December 2019
... to dramatize the process of collegiate self-discovery). Finally, theme songs that are assertions of community such as rock trio BETTY s rousing theme for Showtime s lesbian ensemble drama The L Word (2004 9) use first-person plural address to position individuals as part of a collective we gathered...
Journal Article
Camera Obscura (2022) 37 (2 (110)): 31–57.
Published: 01 September 2022
....” 42 This explanation doesn't seem quite adequate. The organized second-wave women's movement was in its early days in the mid-1960s. The National Organization for Women would not come into being until a year after Liuzzo's murder. Betty Friedan's best-selling book The Feminine Mystique , which...
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Journal Article
Camera Obscura (2023) 38 (2 (113)): 31–61.
Published: 01 September 2023
... and Power to Young Women,” Network 4 Debate, Poland , 6 June 2017, http://politicalcritique.org/cee/poland/2017/little-review-giving-voice-and-power-to-young-women/ . 33. Gawkowski, “Sharon Lockhart's Little Review.” According to the biographer Betty Jean Lifton, Janusz Korczak gave up his medical...
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Journal Article
Camera Obscura (2013) 28 (1 (82)): 37–67.
Published: 01 May 2013
... ascribes to the white Anglo-­American feminist genealogy associated with Woolf. The Hours exemplifies the limitations, desires, and resistances within multiple feminist discourses and practices — Betty Friedan’s “prob- lem with no name,” the cultural trope of female containment and madness...