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Journal Article
boundary 2 (2016) 43 (2): 179–204.
Published: 01 May 2016
...Lawrence Venuti Despite the increased attention that translation has received in conjunction with the newly revived topic of “world literature,” translation research and practice continue to be marginal in comparative literature as the field has developed in the United States. The evidence...
Journal Article
boundary 2 (2021) 48 (4): 99–105.
Published: 01 November 2021
...Leevi Lehto Abstract Leevi Lehto, in a keynote on American poetry presented in China, outlines the challenges and possibilities of Language poetry outside the American context, with specific relation to the meaning of translation. In fact, I have been talking about the international reception...
Journal Article
boundary 2 (2021) 48 (4): 184–214.
Published: 01 November 2021
...Ariel Resnikoff Abstract The present essay contextualizes the poet, scholar, editor, and translator Charles Bernstein (b. 1950), as an artist and practitioner working within a speculative translingual (language-crossing) field and tradition of expanded Yiddish. Reading Bernstein in relation...
Journal Article
boundary 2 (2013) 40 (3): 163–179.
Published: 01 August 2013
...Anita Starosta This essay asks how translation—considered not merely as an interlinguistic procedure but as a practice inherent in every encounter—might come to inform the emergent paradigm of “global humanities.” Even as post-Eurocentric criticism presumes Europe to have been provincialized...
Journal Article
boundary 2 (2014) 41 (1): 203–227.
Published: 01 February 2014
...Anita Starosta Challenging the prevailing use of the term postsocialism as merely another designation for former Second World spaces, “Perverse Tongues, Postsocialist Translations” works toward articulating it instead as a critical and analytical lens on the current global condition...
Journal Article
boundary 2 (2011) 38 (3): 119–145.
Published: 01 August 2011
...Christi Ann Merrill This essay offers a response—part plea, part protest—to recent events in Pakistan, looking to Agha Shahid Ali's lyrical translation of an Urdu poem by Faiz Ahmed Faiz that asks compellingly, “Friends, what will happen now?” Faiz in his day ignored Eisenhower's empty talk...
Journal Article
boundary 2 (2015) 42 (2): 153–160.
Published: 01 May 2015
...Michael Fishbein Sidney H. Griffith’s recent book, The Bible in Arabic: The Scriptures of the “People of the Book” in the Language of Islam , discusses how the Bible was translated into Arabic, the language of Islam, but increasingly the vernacular of Jewish and Christian communities in the Middle...
Journal Article
boundary 2 (2016) 43 (3): 1–26.
Published: 01 August 2016
...Nergis Ertürk; Özge Serin In introducing this special issue of boundary 2 , this essay seeks to challenge the derivative conception of Marxist-communist translation that posits a hierarchical distinction between universal and particular forms of Marxism and communism. Reconceptualizing translation...
Journal Article
boundary 2 (2016) 43 (3): 105–129.
Published: 01 August 2016
...Dermot Ryan This essay opens by outlining the ways Marx uses the idea of translation to explain his theoretical practice and its relationship to classical political economy. Recognizing the moment of science in the emergent field of political economy, Marx declares that the ideological distortions...
Journal Article
boundary 2 (2016) 43 (3): 133–157.
Published: 01 August 2016
..., and other languages. Only a few internees had a Moscow experience and read or quoted Lenin in Russian. This essay presents the camps as a moment of radical translation. It was the crucial presumption of this translation that there could be nobody but Lenin for the people in the camps—or perhaps, to put...
Journal Article
boundary 2 (2016) 43 (3): 159–219.
Published: 01 August 2016
...Serguei Alex. Oushakine Using children's picture books published in early Soviet Russia as its main visual and textual source, this essay explores the process of translation through which artists and writers adopted and adapted key Marxist ideas for illiterate or semiliterate audiences. © 2016...
Journal Article
boundary 2 (2016) 43 (3): 221–249.
Published: 01 August 2016
...Leah Feldman Two types of translation dominated the social sphere of the Bolshevik revolution and civil war at the beginning of the twentieth century: the translation of diverse languages in the multilingual empire and a Marxist-Leninist linguistic turn that emphasized the role of dialectical...
Journal Article
boundary 2 (2016) 43 (3): 253–286.
Published: 01 August 2016
... existence. To establish the contours of society and exploit the value of the social sciences, however, Qu as a translator struggled against China's written language in the name of sociology and social justice. In this regard, Qu understood that the diglossic literary language harbored ancient “ghosts...
Journal Article
boundary 2 (2019) 46 (3): 121–152.
Published: 01 August 2019
... Mundi 61 , no. 1 : 29 – 46 . Hidehiro Okada . 2016 . Shijie shide tansheng: Menggu diguo yu dong/xiyang shiguande zhongjie [Birth of World History: The Mongol Empire and the End of East/West Historical Outlook] . Translated from the Japanese original by Xinhui Chen . New Taipei...
Journal Article
boundary 2 (2020) 47 (3): 133–163.
Published: 01 August 2020
...Isa Murdock-Hinrichs The essay analyzes Grant Gee’s and Stan Neumann’s transformations of W. G. Sebald’s The Rings of Saturn and Austerlitz into the cinematic medium. In reproducing Sebald’s methods, both filmmakers undermine traditional filmmaking conventions. By translating and appropriating...
Journal Article
boundary 2 (2021) 48 (1): 49–63.
Published: 01 February 2021
...Susan H. Gillespie Translation, by highlighting the incommensurability of human language, sheds light on essential philosophical insights into the limited, historically and socially embedded nature of meaning while simultaneously offering theoretical and practical tools for overcoming differences...
Journal Article
boundary 2 (2002) 29 (1): 25–34.
Published: 01 February 2002
...Lars-Håkan Svensson Duke University Press 2002 Jesper Svenbro: In Translation An Introduction by Lars-Håkan Svensson Translation, both as a concept and a practice, is central to the poetic and critical achievement of Jesper Svenbro (b. 1944). Like Anne...
Journal Article
boundary 2 (2010) 37 (3): 5–28.
Published: 01 August 2010
...Lawrence Venuti This article offers a historical examination and ideological critique of Jerome's famous Letter to Pammachius (395 CE), exploring its complex relations to the Roman translation tradition, on the one hand, and to an emerging Christian tradition, on the other hand, with examples taken...
Journal Article
boundary 2 (2010) 37 (3): 29–56.
Published: 01 August 2010
..., to teaching all the world's languages and literatures) under the Malthusian market conditions that govern an enrollment-driven modern education. While there may be no ready solutions to the problems posed by the planetary imperative, one place to look for them is in the substantive discussions of translation...
Journal Article
boundary 2 (2010) 37 (3): 57–68.
Published: 01 August 2010
...J. T. Barbarese Writers and poets who turn to translation may do so more out of self-interest than a sense of indebtedness, and the emphasis on translation as playful homage, among the permanent debts to modernism, along with the gradual disappearance of the institutional study of foreign languages...