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Journal Article
boundary 2 (2006) 33 (1): 123–150.
Published: 01 February 2006
... of functionaries sent out by the metropolis. Yet England was preserving a part of her colonial empire and founding new colonies. Were Bentham and his disciples going to demand that all the colonies should be abandoned? Coloni- zation is a fact before which their logic capitulated...
Journal Article
boundary 2 (2007) 34 (1): 25–33.
Published: 01 February 2007
... of Infrastructure  27 emerges in reaction against the proindustrial ideology of utilitarianism. In his chapter about Mill’s essays on Bentham and Coleridge, Williams sug- gests that “the multiplication of physical comforts”—proud instances were new utilities like gas light, running water, rapid postal...
Journal Article
boundary 2 (2024) 51 (2): 39–68.
Published: 01 May 2024
..., and a blurred, nearly invisible face, as Other, vibrates through and on a matrix of glass surfaces. Jeremy Bentham's panoptic gaze watches each profile one by one until each person is a single being. The guard in the watchtower is part of a circuit or loop that replicates the gaze...
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Journal Article
boundary 2 (2007) 34 (1): 173–195.
Published: 01 February 2007
... figure was the autocrat herself. Among Catherine II’s philosophical writings was, conveniently, her defense of autocracy, the Instruction (Nakaz), published in Latin, German, French, as well as Russian. Jeremy Bentham was a repeated visitor to Catherine at St. Petersburg, and Catherine’s...
Journal Article
boundary 2 (2013) 40 (2): 1–8.
Published: 01 May 2013
.... It’s true, of course, that literature as a modern concept took its modern form in the reaction against utilitarianism. And it’s true that in literary circles Jeremy Bentham and company always remain good, nearly two centuries later, for an easy, untroubled, scornful laugh, with or without...
Journal Article
boundary 2 (2015) 42 (1): 195–215.
Published: 01 February 2015
... of aggressive “peace” that equally “renders intelligible” a form of ideation that supports the “colonization and pacification” of any being or alternative capable of challenging that imposed harmony.24 The expansion of the ideological influence of Jeremy Bentham’s Panopticon—­through Spanos’s signature...
Journal Article
boundary 2 (2022) 49 (4): 33–65.
Published: 01 November 2022
... with the more explicitly articulated approach of someone like Bentham (in “nonsense upon stilts”) was on Arendt's mind as she viewed the disastrous course of European history, the many revolutions of the nineteenth century followed by the “short-lived European postwar constitutions”; evoking their (Burke's...
Journal Article
boundary 2 (2013) 40 (2): 25–39.
Published: 01 May 2013
... of Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mill. Mill, remember, starts his Utilitarianism by refusing to have “recourse to the popular theory of a natural faculty, a sense or instinct, informing us of what is right and wrong.”23 Without rehearsing the whole debate, I want to sug- gest briefly here...
Journal Article
boundary 2 (2005) 32 (1): 191–208.
Published: 01 February 2005
... to calculate the costs and benefits. For anyone trained as a humanist, there is something alien and ex- tremely unpleasant about such utilitarian calculation. We do not want to sound like Jeremy Bentham or Michael Ignatieff. In his book The War- rior’s Honor: Ethnic War and the Modern Conscience...
Journal Article
boundary 2 (2010) 37 (2): 133–153.
Published: 01 May 2010
..., such as the preSocratics, Nietzsche, Jeremy Bentham (who was the first person of authority to go on record to ask if animals suffer), and compassionate indi- viduals who fought against maltreatment, either formally or in their own per- sonal lives. The philosophers in particular have believed that the squeals...
Journal Article
boundary 2 (2002) 29 (2): 1–28.
Published: 01 May 2002
... of the nine- teenth century, of the British utilitarianism of the first part. What is echoed is a crass shopkeeper’s sensibility that sees everything through the reduc- tive lenses of comparative profit and loss. Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mill had sought a secular basis for moral, political, and social...
Journal Article
boundary 2 (2003) 30 (3): 213–239.
Published: 01 August 2003
... for individuals with various qualities from Thomas Malthus’s ‘‘Scottish economic school’’ (193) and Adam Smith’s laissez-faire theories;54 he derived his principle of divergence from Jeremy Bentham’s ‘‘utilitarian principle in philosophy...
Journal Article
boundary 2 (2018) 45 (1): 59–90.
Published: 01 February 2018
... is strenuous, watchful, conscious of the demands of duty, and willing to sacri- fice selfish interests to community needs. Pettit recognizes this in particu- lar when he describes how utilitarian thinkers, like Jeremy Bentham and William Paley, regard republicanism as “too demanding” (Pettit 2005: 32...
Journal Article
boundary 2 (2000) 27 (2): 83–111.
Published: 01 May 2000
... of Jeremy Bentham’s Panopticon with a vengeance. This panoptic invasion, however, ostensibly concerns traditional tropes of privacy, such as physical solitude, intimacy, control over access to our bodies...
Journal Article
boundary 2 (2024) 51 (1): 143–178.
Published: 01 February 2024
...) Returning to “Peter's Pans,” Spillers stages an interplay toggling between singular and multiple culminating in announcing the egg as “total usefulness.” What kind of utility is on display here? Such utilitarian abundance is less Jeremy Bentham and more Bertolt Brecht in that it has something to do...
Journal Article
boundary 2 (2002) 29 (1): 223–257.
Published: 01 February 2002
... a central fea- ture of liberal thought since its philosophical beginnings—most famously, of course, in eighteenth-century utilitarian philosopher Jeremy Bentham, who explicitly compared the abolitionist cause against slavery with the struggle for the rights of animals.13 On the other hand...
Journal Article
boundary 2 (2013) 40 (3): 101–137.
Published: 01 August 2013
... taught him the ideas of Jeremy Bentham. John Stuart Mill, “Crisis in My Mental History, One Stage Onward,” chap. 5 in Autobiography (London: Oxford University Press, 1962), 112–13. Future(s) of Criticism—II / Hung / Imagination Sterilized 129 role for a mysterious working of image...
Journal Article
boundary 2 (2014) 41 (3): 123–158.
Published: 01 August 2014
... for surveillance and privacy exists, in literature and philosophy—­for example, in Bentham and Foucault. A brilliant forthcoming book, by David Rosen and Aaron Santesso, The Watchman in Pieces: Surveillance, Literature, and Liberal Personhood, traces this complex history. Nevertheless, the new...
Journal Article
boundary 2 (2020) 47 (1): 1–42.
Published: 01 February 2020
... in Jullien s description to a totalitarianism reminiscent of our own times (47), which operates through both punishment and surveillance (49). He explicitly evokes Fou- cault on this count, both the paradigm of the town quarantined because of the plague and Jeremy Bentham s famous panopticon (55). Some...
Journal Article
boundary 2 (2010) 37 (2): 1–68.
Published: 01 May 2010
... into English thought by Adam Smith and Jeremy Bentham. Hazlitt stoutly defended his support for the Revolution and castigated English apostasy and reaction to the end of his career, but, Deane avers, the intellectual roots of what Hazlitt repudiated were French, not English, and the two “French...