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Journal Article
boundary 2 (2015) 42 (1): 195–215.
Published: 01 February 2015
... led Spanos most recently to reconsider the sublime and its symptomatic supplementation by the American political imperative and public ardor for “shock and awe.” This supplanting of the sublime with the spectacle of immense power has begun to extend beyond its initial orchestration (the George W. Bush...
Journal Article
boundary 2 (2015) 42 (1): 235–246.
Published: 01 February 2015
...Jonathan Arac William V. Spanos’s most recent book, Shock and Awe: American Exceptionalism and the Imperatives of the Spectacle in Mark Twain’s “A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court” (2013), offers the occasion to reflect on the distinctive quality of his long, productive career. His work...
Journal Article
boundary 2 (2006) 33 (1): 151–169.
Published: 01 February 2006
..., and ‘‘security’’ is founded upon a belief that the thera-
peutic effects of shock are guaranteed in the long run. And yet this Shock
and Awe therapy requires moving from an assumption of universal humanity
to a static and deadly balance between two halves of a world—of power and
of weakness, of dominance...
Journal Article
boundary 2 (2014) 41 (3): 1–25.
Published: 01 August 2014
... went along
perfectly with the plot that fashioned a corporate-patriotic revenge.
Simpson / Toward a Theory of Terror 17
Shock and Awe
The attempted (and in mass-media terms, successful) production
of trauma and terror after 9/11 reveals...
Journal Article
boundary 2 (2017) 44 (4): 141–154.
Published: 01 November 2017
... : Cambridge University Press . Ullman Harlan Wade James Jr. 1996 . Shock and Awe: Achieving Rapid Dominance . Philadelphia : Pavilion Press . Terror Talk and Political Management
David Simpson
Within a few hours...
Journal Article
boundary 2 (2020) 47 (1): 97–114.
Published: 01 February 2020
... Shir Alon In the wake of the November 2015 Paris terror attacks, mainstream American and Jewish news coverage of European anti- immigration protests latched on to one poorly attended demonstration in the western Polish town of Wroc aw.1 With just a few dozen demonstrators present, this gathering won...
Journal Article
boundary 2 (2013) 40 (3): 101–137.
Published: 01 August 2013
... human
imagination ties itself to the pursuit of a kind of primitive pleasure. By primi-
tive pleasure, I mean those primal urges and sensations17 that consider
only what is within the field of vision. Consider the now popularized and
commercialized term shock and awe. The term, which originated...
Journal Article
boundary 2 (2015) 42 (4): 1–4.
Published: 01 November 2015
... is falling earlier and
earlier as it’s December. Wind. Some broken limbs. Some deaths. “Race,”
we know, is that awful paradox—both a fiction and a radical embodiment.
It is inscribed onto (and into) the body, forcing some into the category of
“marked,” while others remain “unmarked” or “neutral...
Journal Article
boundary 2 (2020) 47 (3): 165–168.
Published: 01 August 2020
..., for the most part; publicity is a layer of thin dust one brushes off the book before opening it. However, this time it is not dust and definitely not a petty matter. I, too, approached this book with the awe, anticipation, and reverence reserved for the greatest of writers. In my view, Sebald s previous two...
Journal Article
boundary 2 (2014) 41 (2): 29–33.
Published: 01 May 2014
... commanding awe and respect rather than demanding it.
The third time we met was in 2004, when he, Ali Mazrui, and I were
to be accorded honorary doctorates to mark the renaming and relaunch-
ing of the former University of Transkei as Walter Sisulu University. Walter
Sisulu, an ANC stalwart...
Journal Article
boundary 2 (2017) 44 (3): 159–163.
Published: 01 August 2017
... familiar,
mostly “finished.” In poetry we like to say, when the poem is produced via
this mode of production, that the poem “came to us.” There it is, a little gem.
But again, this might be the place where one is least creative, when we’re
like, Aw, I killed it. “Mastery” is an attempt to dominate...
Journal Article
boundary 2 (2015) 42 (4): 27–31.
Published: 01 November 2015
..., in which Jesse James died,
who never set foot in Round Rock. IBM brought me there, my grandpar-
ents there, my grandfather, specifically—my mother’s parents. My grand-
parents were running from something awful they had done, to somewhere
they could keep doing it and stay in one place. They had taken...
Journal Article
boundary 2 (2007) 34 (3): 87–107.
Published: 01 August 2007
Nelson / Faux Catholic 91
from “full of awe” to “awful the cultivation of feelings of terror or dread as
a flawed vehicle to the transcendent—a transcendent shorn of the larger
metaphysical context that includes the divine as well as the demonic.
Demonization of the supernatural, along...
Journal Article
boundary 2 (2015) 42 (1): 217–233.
Published: 01 February 2015
... [1992], America’s Shadow: An Anatomy of Empire [1999], Shock
and Awe: American Exceptionalism and the Imperatives of the Spectacle
in Mark Twain’s “A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court” [2013 as
a tacit theme (in Exiles in the City: Hannah Arendt and Edward W. Said in
Counterpoint [2012...
Journal Article
boundary 2 (2016) 43 (2): 73–124.
Published: 01 May 2016
... and Longinus, sublime rhetoric “knocks you out.”
But this is nothing new: rhetoric was always defined as the art of stunning
the hearer into submission through the tactics of shock and awe. Gorgias
lies behind some of this tendency. Even Aristotle knew this most basic fact
about rhetoric. Compare his...
Journal Article
boundary 2 (2003) 30 (3): 19–27.
Published: 01 August 2003
..., speed, and information. The open-
ing decapitation strike, the info-war of ‘‘shock and awe the reliance on light
ground forces and precision munitions for a ‘‘rolling start’’ all reflect Secre-
tary of Defense Rumsfeld’s...
Journal Article
boundary 2 (2009) 36 (3): 183–202.
Published: 01 August 2009
... domestic bed scene.
The Stevens in Robert Bly’s heroic poem “Wallace Stevens’ Letters”
is a man hard to love, and thus beloved: “stiff and stern and almost like
a hero.”10 Stevens after Stevens is also sometimes merely an antipoetic
influence to be awed, as in Richard Eberhart’s...
Journal Article
boundary 2 (2007) 34 (1): 197–205.
Published: 01 February 2007
...). By
“stuplimity” Ngai means the uncanny combination of awe and boredom that
is the hallmark of such texts as Gertrude Stein’s postmodern classic avant
le lettre The Making of Americans (1906–08). She sees in this text such
a compromised “sublime,” which is to her more germane as a sign of our
times than...
Journal Article
boundary 2 (2002) 29 (2): 87–108.
Published: 01 May 2002
continuity in human history, that of religious vision. Our species may or may
not constitute the earth as an ascetic planet, but it surely has made it, and
will continue to make it, now with an awful vengeance, an unearthly realm.
My corollary assumption, therefore, is that the Enlightenment...
Journal Article
boundary 2 (2007) 34 (2): 1–20.
Published: 01 May 2007
... famous
encounter with “The Awful German Language” (1880, appendix to A Tramp
Abroad ), he was most struck by its grammar, making fun of the systems
of case and gender, and especially the principles of word order and noun
compounding. But in Lindau’s speech, despite a few issues of syntax...