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Journal Article
boundary 2 (2018) 45 (1): 111–134.
Published: 01 February 2018
...Heather Laird The 1998 Belfast Agreement compelled Irish republicans to think about partition and unification in new ways. The year 2018, the twenty-year anniversary of the ratification of that agreement and nearly one hundred years after the establishment of the Irish Free State, offers...
Journal Article
boundary 2 (2018) 45 (1): 59–90.
Published: 01 February 2018
...Seamus Deane The essay tracks the history of republicanism in Ireland during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. The eighteenth-century rebellion of the United Irishmen of 1798 was based on the principles of the American and French Revolutions. But after the Great Famine of 1845–47, although...
Journal Article
boundary 2 (2010) 37 (2): 155–185.
Published: 01 May 2010
...Nergis Ertürk This article offers a critical overview of the Turkish Republican language reforms, contextualizing the reforms as part of a discourse of phonocentrism—a programmatic identification of the diglossia of Ottoman Turkish and its writing system as an “inadequacy” and a problem—which...
Journal Article
boundary 2 (2015) 42 (2): 177–193.
Published: 01 May 2015
.... This essay then proposes that In Search of Lost Time contains important clues to the working of contemporary American politics, specifically the mind-set of the Republican Far Right. In both, fears of otherness and helplessness lead to conservative myths of redemption that privilege adherence to ideology...
Journal Article
boundary 2 (2010) 37 (1): 215–238.
Published: 01 February 2010
...Benjamin Lozano What is the nature of republican power in a state of emergency? This question has shadowed much of the legal and political discourse in the United States in the aftermath of the traumatic event of 9/11 and subsequent prosecution of the war on terror. Eric Posner and Adrian...
Journal Article
boundary 2 (2010) 37 (2): 1–68.
Published: 01 May 2010
... such as Strange Country and Foreign Affections . Informed by a commitment to European and Irish republican values elaborated in the radical Enlightenment and animated by a sometimes bristling engagement with an Ireland transformed by the Troubles in the North and by the culture of late capitalism across...
Journal Article
boundary 2 (2011) 38 (3): 1–26.
Published: 01 August 2011
... of letters attributed to George Washington. The strange career of these forged communiqués reveals how epistolary propaganda widened public opinion so that it intersected with currents of radical republicanism associated with hemispheric revolution. In contrast to contemporary views of propaganda as unified...
Journal Article
boundary 2 (2021) 48 (3): 145–168.
Published: 01 August 2021
... classes; plurinationality and the Spanish territorial debates; historical memory and Spanish Republicanism; and popular sovereignty. Copyright © 2021 by Duke University Press 2021 populism Spain political culture The effects of the 2008 recession were—and still are—particularly intense...
Journal Article
boundary 2 (2004) 31 (1): 93–118.
Published: 01 February 2004
... presence 1 So argued Gerry Adams in Septem-
ber 1976. He was writing from Long Kesh Prison, near Lisburn, in County
Antrim, as pressure mounted on the Irish Republican Army to end its cam-
paign of terror. The campaign was then in its seventh year.
While pressure to call off the war came from...
Journal Article
boundary 2 (2022) 49 (2): 315–328.
Published: 01 May 2022
... Deane , Small World: Ireland, 1798–2018 , foreword by Joe Cleary . Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 2021 . xxx +343 pp. Copyright ©2022 by Duke University Press 2022 Seamus Deane Irish culture republicanism revisionism colonialism nationalism Small World is one...
Journal Article
boundary 2 (2004) 31 (1): 147–178.
Published: 01 February 2004
force’’ nationalism and insurgent republicanism in Ireland, but they were also
years of working-class upheaval and anticolonial ferment throughout much
ica (Middletown, Conn.: Wesleyan University Press, 1986), 76; David N. Doyle, ‘‘Unestab-
lished Irishmen: New Immigrants and Industrial America...
Journal Article
boundary 2 (2006) 33 (3): 21–34.
Published: 01 August 2006
.... Sheepish, sycophantic, lazy, timid,
and, above all, bought and sold to corporate interests closely allied to the
agenda of the Republican Party, traditional media in the United States are
all but eviscerated, and as much as any factor in the 2004 election outcome,
the failure of these sources to carry...
Journal Article
boundary 2 (2022) 49 (2): 193–211.
Published: 01 May 2022
... and of religious conflict. It is (5) a general tendency to ground its political projects in constitutions. It is (6) an attraction to trade, commerce, and technological innovation. And it is (7) a millennia-long attachment to the institution of slavery, in defiance of the democratic, republican, and constitutional...
Journal Article
boundary 2 (2018) 45 (1): 91–110.
Published: 01 February 2018
in historical scholarship as the Troubles faded, dissipating the revision-
ist debate over 1916, always a proxy for disapproval of twentieth-century
republicanism generally. The stale historiography has been supplanted by
fresh archival work, helped by the opening of the Bureau of Military His-
Journal Article
boundary 2 (2002) 29 (1): 1–10.
Published: 01 February 2002
..., in Philadelphia and Los Angeles (at the Republican and Demo-
cratic National Conventions, respectively), and in the nation’s capital last
spring, activists turned up in considerable numbers to drive the issues that
they espouse and to win for them a sustained hearing in a variety of set-
4 boundary 2...
Journal Article
boundary 2 (2014) 41 (3): 55–91.
Published: 01 August 2014
... by pursuing the proposition with which I began: the two-party system
has become, in fact, a one-party state, a shadow play of corporate inter-
ests in which what appears to be the extreme opposition of Democrats and
Republicans—whatever the former party advocates, the latter opposes—
Journal Article
boundary 2 (2020) 47 (2): 91–118.
Published: 01 May 2020
... droits de l homme et du citoyen were penned. What distinguishes Haiti is that it is the first insurrection that expressly declared itself black, doing so, as C. L. R. James established, in the study of the documents and ideas of revolutionary civic republicanism. This fact is at the heart of the still...
Journal Article
boundary 2 (2015) 42 (2): 1–11.
Published: 01 May 2015
... and a more conservative ideological approach. The founding People’s
Republican Party (PRP) had to learn how to be an opposition party.
This state of affairs went on, with increasing tension, for only ten
years. In 1960, there was a military intervention, and the army took back the
power it had...
Journal Article
boundary 2 (2004) 31 (1): 179–205.
Published: 01 February 2004
... of the Irish Republican Brotherhood (the Fenians), and estab-
lished the Civil Service Academy to prepare students for imperial examinations. He called
himself ‘‘Citizen’’ Cusack and appears as the Cyclops in Joyce’s Ulysses.
Whelan / The Revisionist Debate in Ireland 181...
Journal Article
boundary 2 (2011) 38 (2): 235–237.
Published: 01 May 2011
... of the translation journal Renditions in the
Research Centre for Translation at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. His most
recent monograph is Bringing the World Home: Appropriating the West in Late Qing
and Early Republican China, an analysis of narratives of China’s transformed situa-
tion in that new...