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American sublime

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Journal Article
boundary 2 (2015) 42 (1): 195–215.
Published: 01 February 2015
... led Spanos most recently to reconsider the sublime and its symptomatic supplementation by the American political imperative and public ardor for “shock and awe.” This supplanting of the sublime with the spectacle of immense power has begun to extend beyond its initial orchestration (the George W. Bush...
Journal Article
boundary 2 (2006) 33 (2): 129–157.
Published: 01 May 2006
... As an American transcendentalist, Lee is situated within the Ameri- can poetic tradition of the sublime. His appeal to that which is other of the social is an appeal to what Vendler calls ‘‘the grand, the sublime, and the unnameable 27 Departing from European Romanticism, the object of the sublime...
Journal Article
boundary 2 (2001) 28 (3): 225–226.
Published: 01 August 2001
... edited Chinese on the American Frontier (2001), Places and Politics in an Age of Globalization (with Roxann Prazniak, 2001), History After the Three Worlds (with Vinay Bahl and Peter Gran, 2000), and Postmodernism and China (with Xudong Zhang, 2000). Henry A. Giroux is the Waterbury Chair Professor...
Journal Article
boundary 2 (2001) 28 (1): 237–238.
Published: 01 February 2001
.../postcolonial literatures at the University of California, Santa Cruz. He is author of Reimagining the American Pacific (2000) and American Sublime (1991), and coeditor of various collections of cultural criticism, in- cluding Inside Out (1999) and Asia/Pacific as Space of Cultural Production (1995). ...
Journal Article
boundary 2 (2001) 28 (2): 263–265.
Published: 01 May 2001
.... Contributors 265 Rob Wilson is professor of transnational/postcolonial literatures at the University of California, Santa Cruz. He is author of Reimagining the American Pacific (2000) and American Sublime (1991), and coeditor of various collections of cultural criticism, in- cluding Inside Out (1999...
Journal Article
boundary 2 (2006) 33 (1): 151–169.
Published: 01 February 2006
..., ‘‘Grand Strategy 14. 31. For excellent applications of the Sublime to American nationalist ideology, see Donald Pease, ‘‘Sublime Politics boundary 2 12, no. 3 (Spring/Fall 1984): 259–79; and Rob Wil- son, American Sublime: The Genealogy of a Poetic Genre (Madison: University of Wis- consin Press, 1991...
Journal Article
boundary 2 (2001) 28 (2): 259–262.
Published: 01 May 2001
... Power, and the Transformation of American Television. Console-ing Passions. Durham, N.C.: Duke University Press, 2000. GoGwilt, Christopher. The Fiction of Geopolitics: Afterimages of Culture, from Wilkie Collins to Alfred Hitchcock. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press, 2000. Grouev, Ivaylo...
Journal Article
boundary 2 (2016) 43 (2): 73–124.
Published: 01 May 2016
... Book-ends,­ End-­titles, and Coronides in Papyri with Hexametric Poetry (Durham, NC: American Society of Papyrologists, 2010). 38. Only the tiniest fraction of Greek and Roman literature has survived; Hermann Stras- burger, “Umblick im Trümmerfeld der griechischen Geschichtsschreibung...
Journal Article
boundary 2 (2005) 32 (1): 53–70.
Published: 01 February 2005
... by the spoils system. Surveyor Pue’s post was dis- continued by the American Revolution. He had received his mandate from Governor Shirley and served in this office in the 1760s under the British monarchy. The office to which Pue had appointed him placed Hawthorne in touch with things and people...
Journal Article
boundary 2 (2009) 36 (2): 67–97.
Published: 01 May 2009
... become so powerful they can bribe flunkies to infiltrate your life and talk up products,” completely missing that the novel takes place in 2002 (130). I will have more to say on Pattern Recognition as SF later in this essay. . Surowiecki, “The Decline of Brands,” 206, 209. American...
Journal Article
boundary 2 (2004) 31 (2): 55–79.
Published: 01 May 2004
... is the envy of many who do not dare the risk of being committed to personal homeless- ness and yet, simultaneously, to political community. Regarding the mem- oir specifically, the charges of elitism or narcissism from various quarters of both American and Arab cultural-intellectual terrains dovetail...
Journal Article
boundary 2 (2004) 31 (2): 81–111.
Published: 01 May 2004
... will risk a word. When we believe that to punish the per- 2. This is not as silly as it may sound. In an interesting article in The American Prospect, Anne-Marie Slaughter also mentions this as an important reason: t]he convention gov- erning prisoners of war defines unlawful combatants as participants...
Journal Article
boundary 2 (2022) 49 (3): 215–217.
Published: 01 August 2022
... Poetry and Poetics” in the Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Literature and a recipient of the Berlin Prize, awarded by the American Academy in Berlin. Andrew Schelling studied poetry with Norman O. Brown and ecology of mind with Gregory Bateson at the University of California, Santa Cruz, in the mid...
Journal Article
boundary 2 (2001) 28 (2): 9–12.
Published: 01 May 2001
...Rob Wilson Duke University Press 2001 Tracking Un/American Poetics in Asia/Pacific Experimental Writing: Pamela Lu and Catalina Cariaga Rob Wilson As has been noted in small-press circles, Pamela Lu took the am- biguous ‘‘we...
Journal Article
boundary 2 (2010) 37 (2): 217–225.
Published: 01 May 2010
... romantically put on the edge of cosmic sublimity, “as if the contrast knob of Creation had been messed with just enough to give everything an underglow, a luminous edge, and promise that the night was about to turn epic somehow” (6). But under these American subversives lurk countersubversives...
Journal Article
boundary 2 (2000) 27 (2): 113–148.
Published: 01 May 2000
... 1. Thinking against Freedom FREE’ DOM, n. A state of exemption from the power or control of anotherexemption from slavery. —Noah Webster, An American Dictionary...
Journal Article
boundary 2 (2017) 44 (3): 219–220.
Published: 01 August 2017
... is completing Key- words for the Twenty-­First Century for Oxford University Press. Charles Bernstein has edited three special issues of boundary 2: “American Poetry after 1975” (36:3 [2009 “99 Poets/1999: An International Poetics Symposium” (26:1 [1999 and “43 Poets (1984)” (14:1/2 [1985–1986 He...
Journal Article
boundary 2 (2008) 35 (1): 35–65.
Published: 01 February 2008
... to expect.41 In this regard, Poirier’s interest in the extent to which “writing is a form of energy” unaccountable to order—“and specifically not accountable to the liberal humanitarian values” cultivated in mid-twentieth century North American colleges and universities, where “often...
Journal Article
boundary 2 (2020) 47 (2): 263–264.
Published: 01 May 2020
... the groundbreaking book (Dis)forming the American Canon: The Vernacular of African Arabic American Slave Narrative (1992). His latest book is Sentient Flesh (Thinking in Disorder/Poi sis in Black) (Duke Uni- versity Press, 2020). Fred Moten teaches in the Department of Performance Studies at New York Univer- sity...
Journal Article
boundary 2 (2017) 44 (4): 33–55.
Published: 01 November 2017
...-larger­ areas of social life is one response to this situation. I am writing this on the day after five policemen were shot and killed in Dallas, Texas, and six others wounded, by a former soldier who had served in Afghanistan and who, as an African American, was presumably reacting to an ongoing...