This issue will be my last as managing editor of boundary 2. If I have been successful, I have many people to thank for it. Chief among them is Paul Bové, who has been the leader the journal has needed for the last thirty-three years. He gave me free rein from day one to run my own show in the editorial office, giving me space to find my way and allowing me to do my work. Only the “supervised” know how important that is. He has always been my champion, recognizing me as an equal, honoring my value, and always giving me credit when it was due. For all that, I am infinitely grateful. He is my treasured friend.

While b2’s masthead has changed over the years, I have enjoyed immensely the relationships, indeed friendships, that developed through my work with the editorial collective, advisory editors, assistant editors, and the editorial board. They all, too, have valued my skills and acknowledged my contributions to the journal and have been unwavering in their support. I have learned a great deal from all of them, as well as from the hundreds of authors I've had the pleasure of working with during my thirty-two years with the journal. I am grateful for editors’ and authors’ cordiality and collegiality, which always tempered the challenging work of b2.

Two longtime colleagues at Duke University Press deserve special mention. Rob Dilworth, journals director, lent guidance and support that have sustained the journal in all ways. Cynthia Gurganus, b2’s longtime production coordinator, shepherded our manuscripts and fielded my countless questions. My thanks to both, not only for their professional expertise but also for their friendship, which developed as an offshoot of working closely together. My collaborations with David Spratte and Emily Combs at HALO 22 were inspiring and gave me the chance to expand my right brain. I marvel at their creativity and special knack for capturing concepts and making stunning covers.

A special note of thanks to my husband, Ron Winkler, for loving me, for always standing by me, and for taking joy in my accomplishments. He was the hidden gem it was my good fortune to find many years ago.

As I move on to new opportunities, I will keep b2 close to my heart always. The journal is in very capable hands.

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