This essay charts Masao Miyoshi’s shifting relation to the university as he both imagined it and intervened within it. I examine an incident in which Miyoshi heeded a graduate student’s request for help in contesting unfair treatment. This incident represents a crucible that prefigured developments within Miyoshi’s critical consciousness, particularly regarding pursuits of justice within and beyond the university. I argue that Miyoshi’s pedagogical commitment to justice for students nourished his skepticism toward academic discipline—in theory and practice. This enduring commitment led him to foster relationships of solidarity with students and colleagues that celebrated a critical indiscipline exceeding academia’s established partitions. I take up the question of teaching to chart how it shapes notions of academic territory, valuation, exploitation, and resistance in Miyoshi’s scholarship. My hope is that this preliminary consideration of pedagogical legacy thickens our sense of his commitments to foreground resources for future work.

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