Stretched Boundaries: Improvising across Abilities
Published:March 2016
Sherrie Tucker, Pauline Oliveros, Neil Rolnick, Christine Sun Kim, Clara Tomaz, David Whalen, Leaf Miller, Jaclyn Heyen, 2016. "Stretched Boundaries: Improvising across Abilities", Negotiated Moments: Improvisation, Sound, and Subjectivity, Gillian Siddall, Ellen Waterman
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In this chapter, eight coauthors reflect on their participation in two concerts, featuring artists of all abilities, called Stretched Boundaries, curated by Pauline Oliveros in 2011. Participants discuss the boundary-stretching capacities of sounding across abilities, defining “boundaries” in many ways: from ablest myths of “normal” hearing, to social lines drawn between ability and disability that become naturalized in the built environment, making it difficult to bring artists and audiences with disabilities and artists and audiences without disabilities together; to experimental sound art as a way to communicate multiple relationships to sound and its social dimensions, to the critical potential of mixed ability performance in creating flexible and responsive notions of community.