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This chapter engages Mona Hatoum’s art of vulnerable corporealities to ask what kinds of bodies are formed and deformed in times of loss, displacement, and occupation; how these bodies come to embody and witness what is lost; and how they come to relate to other bodies. Hatoum’s feminist aesthetics brings forth a bodily representation of vulnerability, highlighting both the disembodiment induced by mass political violence and the embodied potential for resistance and self-determination. The body in Hatoum’s work, in regrounding itself in new diasporic intimacies, opens up to the possibilities of vulnerability. Thus, belonging becomes a matter of intimate and precarious embodied relationality. Hatoum enacts belonging not as a static site of comfort and territorial being or being-together, but as a discomforting embodied performativity through which borders and bodies are constantly displaced, re-collected, and reembodied. Her art addresses the ways homely and unhomely corporealities are brought forward in living enactments of displacement and containment.

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