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The very term “mobilization” depends on an operative sense of mobility that many people cannot take for granted. No one moves without a supportive environment and an enabling set of technologies. This notion of a supported, agentic body is at work in any number of political movements: struggles for food and shelter; protection from injury; the right to work and affordable health care; protection from police violence, war, and illness; mobilizations against austerity and precarity, authoritarianism and inequality.  In many public assemblies, the demand to end precarity is enacted publicly by people exposing their vulnerability to failing infrastructural conditions and police power; plural and performative bodily resistance shows how bodies are being acted on by policies that are decimating livelihoods. In demonstrating this precarity, these bodies also resist these powers and enact a form of resistance that presupposes and mobilizes vulnerability, upending its usual conception as a condition to be overcome.

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