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The story concludes with the government's rejection of the preliminary diagnosis of rabies and its failure to provide an alternative: the parents' demand, "Tell me why my children died," was never met. Indigenous knowledge was not simply embodied in a decontextualized phrase, like buenvivir, but revealed health inequities and challenged the fatal effects of health/communicative inequities, providing a model for decolonizing health and health communication. The multiple ways health/communicative inequities structure health systems produce nonknowledge as systematically as they provide evidence-based knowledge, thereby thwarting the circulation of critical insights. The parents' and local leaders' response to the epidemic thus provides a model for how democratizing discourse about health as horizontal exchanges between diverse lay and professional knowledge producers can generate new visions for restructuring unhealthy health policies. Linking the multiple sites in which health/communicative inequities emerge, the conclusion suggests a preliminary framework for articulating health/communicative rights.

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