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This chapter extends the book's key argument regarding the relationship between health inequities and health/communicative inequities. Like the "carceral apparatus" (Loïc Wacquant) that dominates the lives of U.S. working-class African Americans, officials' responses to the 1992–1993 cholera epidemic created an epidemiological apparatus that structured and policed the pervasive indigenous/nonindigenous divide in Delta Amacuro. The Bolivarian Revolution sparked effective national efforts to ameliorate health inequities, but health/communicative inequities largely remained unaddressed. Scholarly frameworks in Latin American social medicine, critical epidemiology, social epidemiology, and critical medical anthropology theorize health inequities but similarly leave out—and can sometimes extend—health/communicative inequities. The argument builds on Veena Das's work on narrative and the ordinary and Mohan Dutta's critical culture-based perspective on health communication in stressing the importance of analyzing the coproduction of health and health/communicative inequities at various sites, including clinics, vernacular healing, epidemiology, health news, and public health policy.

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