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This chapter examines the “making of” documentary (MOD) supplement included in the DVD release of Musa, the joint Korea-China martial arts film, and the possibilities of amity implicit in the film’s intercultural mode of production. Group travel and intercultural cooperation characterize both the film’s narrative as well as the conditions of its production. The chapter suggests that the MOD, as a representation of one of South Korea’s first coproductions on mainland China since the Cold War, articulates the central interest of the feature film; that is, as a self-reflective narrative of the film’s transnational production, it functions as a kind of MOD of emerging Korea-China relations. The chapter argues that the anxieties of Korea-China economic relations get converted into affective terms in both the film and the MOD, emerging as provisional feelings, intensifications of affect based on mutual benefit and within the narrow scope of a particular situation and limited duration.

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