Introduction: Cognitive Work, Cognitive Bodies
Published:July 2016
The introduction acquaints the reader with the principal protagonists of this book, a group of IT workers from India who took short-term visas to work in Germany. It discusses the history of this migration program against the background of the guest worker program of the post–World War II era and the history of Indian migration to Germany. It also outlines current autonomist Marxist theorizations of cognitive capitalism and shows how a theorization of differently supported working bodies can be added to these descriptions of neoliberal patterns of work. It argues that to understand how these work patterns are racialized and produce class, the embodied nature of work needs to be incorporated into the theorization of cognitive labor from the outset.
Sarkar Committee, Central Bureau of Education, India. “Development of Higher Technical Institutions in India (Interim Report of the Sarkar Committee),” 1946.