Book Chapter
A Longing for Freedom
Published:April 1990
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, Anil
, and others
. 1987
. The Wrath of Nature: The Impact of Environmental Destruction on Floods and Droughts
. Delhi
: Center for Science and Environment
, B. R.
. What Congress and Gandhi Have Done to the Untouchables
. Lahore
: Agha Amir Hussain
, Walter K.
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. Shridhar
. The Brotherhood of Saffron
. Delhi
: Vistaar Publications
, Jayanta
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. India’s Environment: Crises and Responses
. Dehra Dun
: Natraj Publishers
, Carl
. 1986
. Social Movements and Political Power
. Philadelphia
: Temple University Press
, Joan
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. Berkeley
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. The Tears of the White Man: Compassion as Contempt
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. Chicago
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. Nandita
. The Delhi Riots
. Delhi
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, Nicholas
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. Scheduled Castes and the Struggle Against Inequality
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, Dhananjoy
. Dr. Ambedkar: Life and Mission
. Bombay
: Popular Prakashan
, Mumtaz Ali
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. Mass Conversions of Meenakshipuram
. Madras
: Christian Literature Society
, Atul
. 1987
. The State and Poverty in India
. Cambridge
: Cambridge University Press
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. Bridges Are Not for Burning: Dowry Victims in India
. Delhi
: Radiant Publishers
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. The Political Awakening in India
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. Indian Nationalism and the Early Congress
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. Delhi
: Oxford University Press
, Ashis
. 1987
. Traditions, Tyranny, and Utopias: Essays in the Politics of Awareness
. Delhi
: Oxford University Press
, Rosalind
. 1985
. Caste, Conflict and Ideology
. Cambridge
: Cambridge University Press
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. Multilingualism and Mother-Tongue Education
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. Contemporary Democracies
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, M. E.
, ed. 1988
. Towards a Dalit Theology
. Delhi
: Indian Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge
, Ishwari
, and others
. 1987
. Caste Merit and Reservations
. Delhi
: Samata Era Publications
, V. T.
. Dalit Movement in Karnataka
. Madras
: Christian Literature Society
, Rabindra
. 1988
. The Naxalites and Their Ideology
. Delhi
: Oxford University Press
, Sibnarayan
, ed. 1970
. Gandhi, India and the World
. Philadelphia
: Temple University Press
, Ashim Kumar
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N. N.
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. A Dictionary of Indology
. Atlantic Highlands, N.J.
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. Trafficking in Women and Children in India
. Delhi
: Uppal Publishing House
, David
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. In Theory and in Practice: Essays on the Politics of Jayaprakash
. Delhi
: Oxford University Press
, Promode
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. Naxalbari and Indian Revolution
. Calcutta
: Research India Publications
, Dhirendra
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. The Indian Atom: Power and Proliferation
. Delhi
: Philosophy and Social Action
, M. N.
. Social Change in Modern India
. Berkeley
: University of California Press
, P. M.
. Twentieth Century Indian Interpretations of Bhagavadgita: Tilak, Gandhi and Aurobindo
. Delhi
: Indian Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge
, Shrinivas
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. The Myth of Sarvodaya: A Study of Vinoba’ Concept
. Delhi
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. Alexis
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. Democracy in America
. Vol. 1
. New York
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, A. K.
. Reservation Policy and Scheduled Castes in India
. Delhi
: Ashish Publishing House
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Pamphlets, Mimeographs, Offsets
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. Jan
. 15
, 1986
. Arrest of Dr. K. Balagopal, General Secretary of the Andhra Pradesh Civil Liberties Committee
. London
.Amnesty International
. Jan
. 29
, 1986
. Some Reports Concerning Deaths in Police Custody Allegedly as a Result of Torture or Shooting during 1985
. London
.Amnesty International
. Dec
. 1
, 1986
. Sikh Detainees from the Punjab Held since June 1984: Background to Their Arrest and Detention
. London
.Amnesty International
. Nov
. 1
, 1987
. Allegations of Extrajudicial Killings by the Provincial Armed Constabulary in and around Meerut, 22–23 May 1987
. London
.Amnesty International
. March
. Allegations of Rape by Police: The Case of a Tribal Woman in Gujarat, Gunta Behn
. London
.Amnesty International
. Aug
. 1988
. A Review of Human Rights Violations, August 1988
. London
.Commission for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes
. 1985
. Seventh Report
. Delhi
: Government of India
, M.
, and others
. No date
. Bonded Labor in India
. Delhi
: Rural Labor Cell
, Suraiyya
. 1986
. Image of Islam and Muslims in Indian National Press
. Mimeographed
. Bombay
: Institute of Islamic Studies
, I. S.
, and Thakur
. 1987
. Devadasis, a Link Between Religious Culture and Child Prostitution
. Mimeographed
. Paper at the 29th International Congress of International Abolitionist Federation
, Stuttgart, Germany
.Joint Women’s Program
. 1983
. Banhi 1981/2: The Devadasi Problem
. Delhi
: Christian Institute for the Study of Religion and Society
, B. N.
. Child Labor and Exploitation in the Carpet Industry
. Delhi
: Indian Social Institute
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. 1986
. Prenatal Sex Determination Tests and Female Feticide in Bombay City
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. Bombay
: Foundation for Research in Community Health.Malhotra
, Kailash C.
, ed. 1987
. Save the Western Ghats
. Ponda, Goa
: Central Organizing Committee to Save the Western Ghats
, Bishop Nirmal
. 1988
. A Responsible Christian Task for Lok Mukti in Chotanagpur
. Ranchi
: Dasak Jubilee Publication
.Mobile Creches
. 1987
. In the Shadow of the Scaffolding: A Study of Migrant Construction Workers
. Bombay
: Indu Balagopal
, Gobind
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. Rajni
. Who Are the Guilty!
: People’s Union for Democratic Rights/People’s Union for Civil Liberties
. 1989
. State Terrorism in Punjab: An Investigative Report
. Delhi
: Committee for Information and Initiative on Punjab
, V. T.
. The Dilemma of Class and Caste in India
. Bangalore
: Dalit Sahitya Akademy
, R. P.
. The Scarcer Half: A Report on Amniocentesis and Other Sex Determination Techniques
. Bombay
: Center for Education and Documentation
, Mira
. 1981
. Organizing Women in the Informal Sector: A Case Study of the Annapurnas in India
. Mimeographed
. Bombay
: Feminist Resource Center
, Partap
. 1988
. Genesis and Solution of Punjab Problem: The Sikh Case
. Delhi
: Bharat Mukti Morcha
.Society for Promotion of Area Resource Centers
. 1985
. We, the Invisible
. Mimeographed
. Bombay
, M. N.
. The Changing Position of Indian Women
. Delhi
: Oxford University Press
. May
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.Sardar Sarovar Oustees Fight Continues
. Mimeographed
. May
, 1988
. The 14th May 1988 Vadgam Convention Before and After
. Mimeographed
. Mongrol, Gujarat
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Amrita Bazar Patrika, Calcutta
The Daily, Bombay
Deccan Herald, Bangalore
Economic Times, Delhi
Financial Express, Delhi
The Hindu, Madras
Hindustan Times, Delhi
Indian Express, Delhi
Indian Post, Bombay
National Herald, Lucknow
The Statesman, Calcutta
Sunday Chronicle, Bombay
Sunday Mail, Delhi
Times of India (TOI), Bombay