By way of conclusion, this final chapter addresses how design practices forged in the distinct sociopolitical climate of the prewar and wartime eras were transformed or continued to suit needs of postwar democracy and economic rebuilding. Transwar design is a framework that will have far-reaching implications for the global design community, as many countries experienced comparable challenges across the war years, transitioning through radically different political systems and major international crises where design actively served a central civic function, and publicity and propaganda seamlessly traded places. This chapter focuses on two watershed events in the development of the postwar Japanese design movement: the World Design Conference (WoDeCo) held in Tokyo in 1960 and the 1964 Tokyo Olympics. The first proclaimed a set of professional ideals for modern Japanese design, and the second generated a revolutionary world design system to reintroduce a peaceful, democratic Japan to the world theater of nations.
Too numerous to include here, articles from daily, weekly, and monthly periodicals and newspapers have not been listed in the bibliography but are indicated in the endnotes of each chapter.
Aidea (Idea)
Affiches (Posters)
Art and Industry
Asahi gurafu (Asahi Graph)
Cheinstoa kenkyū (Chainstore Research)
Commerce Japan
Commercial Art
Far Eastern Review
Gebrauchsgraphik (Commercial graphics)
Gurafikku dezain (Graphic Design)
Hanbai undo (Sales Movement)
Japan Times and Mail
Kaō buretin (Kao Bulletin)
Kenchiku shinchō (New architecture)
Kōgei jidai (Industrial Art News)
Kōkoku bijutsu (Japan Advertising Art)
Kōkokukai (Advertising World)
Kōkū asahi (Aviation Asahi)
Kokusai kenchiku (International architecture)
Matsuda shinpō (Mazda News)
Matsushita Denki geppō (Matsushita Electric Monthly)
Mitsukoshi (Mitsukoshi taimusu) (Mitsukoshi Times)
Mizue (Watercolor painting)
Modern Publicity
Morinaga berutorain (Morinaga Beltline)
Nagaseman (Nagase man)
New York Times
Offset- Buch- und Werbekunst (Offset, book, and advertising)
Ōsaka asahi shinbun
Ōsaka mainichi shinbun
Sandē mainichi (Sunday Mainichi)
Shiseidō cheinstoa (Shiseido Chainstore)
Shiseido cheinstoa alma mater (Shiseido Chainstore Alma Mater)
Shiseido geppō (Shiseido Monthly)
Shiseido gurafu (Shiseido Graph)
Suītorando (Sweetland)
Tōkyō asahi shinbun
Tsūrisuto (Tourist)
Travel in Japan
Umi to sora (Sea and Sky)
Yomiuri shinbun