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Moving across media, languages, and genres, “Ne me quitte pas” has undergone multiple adaptations. From the use of the song in Pedro Almodóvar’s Law of Desire to Sasha Velour’s emotional resonance in a drag act and Claudio Carneiro’s comedic interlude in Cirque du Soleil’s Varekai, these adaptations showcase the song’s mobility, virality, and versatility. Chapter 4 analyzes these three lip-synched performances by focusing on their engagement with violence and their embodiment of Black women’s voices, raising questions of authenticity and appropriation. As such, the performances navigate boundary-crossing, highlighting the power of adaptation in art as well as the porous boundaries between art and life. Furthermore, the chapter prompts contemplation about the pervasive nature of adaptations and their potential to detach from the original source, leaving questions about ownership and lineage.

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