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Chapter 4 turns to the next generation of professionals and their dedication to making a new world in the middle decades of the twentieth century, before and after Independence and Partition in 1947. This generation lives amid increasing urbanization, specialization, and self-conscious history-making. It demands commitment to and sacrifice for the nation by bureaucrats, intellectuals, and poets as well as political leaders. Notions of family are changing, the element of individual choice and the focus on the nuclear family increasing. Nevertheless, modern middle-class men hesitate to accept women as equals, and with that, any idea of sharing, negotiating, and living with them as mature, thinking partners. Male control, self-love, and insecurity, and women’s sacrifices for men, remain dominant themes, accompanied by male longing for, and fear of, women and marriage. The chapter illustrates the tensions and conflicts that surface, along with the new aspirations.

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