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This chapter explores the often overlooked dimension of Nuyorican poets’ engagement with visual art, particularly via the concept of the book and its intersection with distinct modes of independent publishing, performance, and activism. It sheds light on the transformative ways Nuyorican poets, since the 1960s, have challenged conventional notions of the book and publishing, extending their poetic practice beyond the printed page. It also reflects on the contributions of key Nuyorican figures like Victor Hernández Cruz, Pedro Pietri, Jesús Papoleto Meléndez, and Sandra María Esteves. The discussion examines how Nuyorican poets have engaged in counterinstitutional critique, expanding on their artistic practice through embodied performances, independent publishing endeavors, and collaborations. Drawing from the realms of art criticism and literary analysis, the chapter delves into the dynamic relationship between text and graphics, typographic experimentation, and the sociopolitical context of New York City.

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