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This chapter explores the cultural expressions of Philadelphia’s Puerto Rican population, highlighting how these contributions have been acts of survival and resistance. The chapter traces the growth of the Puerto Rican community in the city, including visual arts, media, and other forms of community building and representation. Organizations like Taller Puertorriqueño and Asociación de Músicos Latino Americanos (AMLA) played significant roles in nurturing Puerto Rican arts and cultural programs. The author cites the community-focused practice of artists Pepón Osorio, Michelle Angela Ortiz, Betsy Z. Casañas, Roberto Lugo and José Ortiz-Pagán. The chapter emphasizes the integration of the arts into education, activism, and community-building efforts, showcasing the resilience and impact of Philadelphia’s Puerto Rican community in the face of various challenges, including prejudice, gentrification, and the hiv/aids crisis.

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