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The final section comprises three essays that together form the conclusion of the book. The first essay, “. . .,” is a reprise of the inkblot-text hybrid motif seen in the first section. Arrival is presented as a cyclical phenomenon—a “coming apart” that is ongoing—and the role of nonfiction is considered in relation to this paradox and to the broader expression of human being. This is illustrated by a series of seven inkblots and accompanying “transcriptions.” The following essay, “Sense,” begins with a brief discussion of Dionne Brand’s The Blue Clerk to highlight a concept of “sense” as an observable, identifiable phenomenon of anticipation. It takes an intertextual approach to enduring questions of method—treating the poetics of nonfiction as a practice of sharing and withholding. The essay argues that what is “withheld” is as integral to the expression of Caribbeanness as what appears on the page. The final essay, “Arrival,” is framed as a “dissipation of form.” It opens with an epigraphic poem on “arrival” before turning to a prosaic description of an impending departure—the narrator’s—and ending with the anticipation of the reader’s arrival.

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