Peter Adey is Professor of Human Geography at Royal Holloway, University of London. He is the author of
Conclusion: The End
Published:August 2024
In the conclusion the book explores some of the wildest, most excessive, and most speculative projects for planetary evacuation as a foil with which to reflect on and progress the different themes explored in this book. Expectations of the end of the Earth have given rise to a whole set of planetary evacuation genres, fictions, and plans to evacuate the planet, colluding sometimes with religious and faith doctrines and narratives, but they do not move very far away from the problems, pitfalls, and ethical dilemmas explored in the book. The chapter returns to different aesthetic forms and categories that have recurred within the book before concluding with a reaffirmation of the agonisms of emergency and evacuation politics as both a mode of critique and a site of possibility.