Black Atlantic to Indian Ocean: Afrofuture as the Common
Published:May 2024
The coda turns to the mystery at the heart of this book—that we do not know the maritime origins of the 1972 dockworkers strike pivotal to the proliferating grassroots struggles until apartheid's end. Thinking from “Black Atlantic to Indian Ocean” helps us revise our understanding of the emergence and decline of radical and coalitional Black politics in South Africa, and it points to why, in our time of resurgent racial capitalism and ecocide, “Afrofuture is the common.”
By the author in Durban, Pietermaritzburg, Park Rynie, Gauteng, Cape Town, and Kilkenny, Ireland, 2002–9. Noms de guerre or polite forms of address are in parentheses.
Ibrahim Adam
Ismail Adam
Marcia Faith Adams
Earl Africa
Henry Africa
Sandy Africa
Frank Alexander
Donny Anderson
Marcel Andrews
Eric Apelgren
Eric Apelgren Sr.
Greta Apelgren
Jeanette Apelgren
Louise Apelgren
Stirling Augustine
Omar Badsha
Yvonne Bassier
Jo Beall
Virgille Bonham
Tayyab Hanif Bonomali
Eugene Brandon
George Bridger
Valerie Cartens
Carmel Chetty
Roy Chetty
Siva Chetty
Clifford Collings
Herbert Collings
Ross Cuthbertson
Paul David
Cheryl Debruin
Patricia Dove
Des D'Sa
Louis Enock
Shahnaz Essop
Merle Favis
Albert Firman
Winnie Forbay
Matthew Francis
Colin Furie
Morris Fynn
Sharon Fynn
Arlene Glover
David Goldstone
Catherine Gordeen
Pravin Gordhan (PG)
Anand Govender
C. A. Govender
Kumaresan Govender
Mrs. P. Govender
Velli Govender
Viji Govender
Natlene Greaves
Joey Grimett
Mrs. Grimett
Beverly Hapitan
Phil Harrison
Aziz Hassim
Hector Henry
Maureen Henry
Pat Horn
David Isaacs
Vincent James
Wayne Jean-Pierre
Jennifer Johnson
Dennis Jones
Keith “Skido” Joseph
Jaya Josie
Ish Juggernath
Janey Juggernath
Spider Juggernath
Sunjith B. Juggernath
Usha Juggernath
Mr. Kay
Mrs. Kay
Marlene Kay-Greaves
Paddy Kearney
Ben Kingsley
Quinton Kippen
Barry Kistnasamy
Aletta Knipe
Noel Kok
Ingrid Kotze
Colin LaFoy
Roy Laikram
Rayman Lalla
K. Lalloo
Harry Landers
Llewelyn Landers
Niel Larrett
Jenny Lawrence
Cheryl Lawson
Rashaad Leonard (“Ricky”)
Betty Leslie
Willie Leslie
Paula Leyden
Karl Linderboom
William Lottering
Francie Lund
Adhir Maharaj
Brij Maharaj
Mac Maharaj
Ram Narain Maharaj
Daramlingam Manickam
Sivagami Manickam
Alfred Manning
Claudia Manning
Jean Manning
Bobby Marie
Lutchmee Marie (“Mrs. Marie”)
Leonard Mbokazi
Derrick McBride
Robert McBride
Marlene McClure
Peter McKenzie
Roy McPherson
Ruby McPherson
Shamim Meer
Troy Meyers
Patrick Mkhize
Kubesh Moodley
Alan Moolman
Jeanette Moolman
Chinna Kisten Moonsamy
Mathilda Morolong
John Mulligan
Alan Munn
Phyllis Naidoo
Rajah Naidoo
Rajen Naidoo
Umsha Naidoo
Billy Nair
Gordon Nair
Roy Nair
Cedric Nunn
Abba Omar
Jeevan Padayachee
Neelavathi Padayachee
Allan Pearce
Bobby Peek
Krish Perumal
Mrs. Perumal
Myron Peter
Fred Peterson
Ronnie Peterson
Rubin Philip
Devan Pillay
Ivan Pillay
Rajes Pillay (Rae)
Ramola Pillay
Riedawaan Pillay
Sue Pillay
Tex Pillay
Trevor Pillay
Adrian Poole
Calvin Prakasim
David Pretorius
François Quarrie
Rhodesia Quebekels
Nundilall Rabilal
Jeeva Rajgopaul
Deepchund Ramchurren
Ranjith Ramkissoon
G. Ramsamy
Strini Reddy
Zolla Reddy
Thomas Robins
George Ruiters
Cerigh Samai
Olga Samuels
Sammy Sayed
Hashim Seedat
Michelle Simon
Ari Sitas
Rishi Singh
Sunny Singh (Bobby Pillay)
Dan Smit
Jane Smith
Aubrey Snyman
Gail Snyman
Jambo Solomons
Irene Stainbank
Tilly Stewart (“Aunty Tilly”)
Michael Sutcliffe
Sammy Syed
Vivienne Taylor
Wayne Tifflin
Terrence Tryon
Stephen van Wyck
Flo Walljee
Charles Walters
Rose Warren
Renee Wilson
National Archives of South Africa, Durban Archives Repository (DAR)
3/DBN Town Clerk Files, Durban
ANN A4.8 to A4.11 Mayor's Minutes, 1921–36
ANN A4.11 14.4.1 Borough Boundaries Commission Report, 1929
ANN A4.11 14.6.1 Borough Extension Enquiries Commission Report Housing (Slums) Committee and Indian Joint Advisory, 1944–79 and South Durban Indian LAC, 1967–75 and Durban Coloured LAC, 1971–75 Indian and Coloured Affairs Advisory Committee, 1953 and Health and Housing Committee, 1927–29 and 1960–61 Special Committee on Indian Affairs, 1944 138SJ Encroachment Farm Wentworth, 1935 Sale of Land at Wentworth for Manufacture Purposes, 1929–1400 284Q Acquisition of Land at Wentworth Merebank, 1942–45, 1947–49–2098 643J MNH Merebank Native Men's Hostel, 1938–45, 1947–49 643J Slum Clearance SJ.7 Merebank Wentworth Area, 1940 643J Slum Clearance SJ.8 Point Area–46 Post-War Works and Reconstruction Commission Durban Housing Survey–1400 284Q Acquisition of Land at Wentworth/Merebank–2098 643J Merebank Native Men's Hostel, 1934–45 Indian and Coloured Affairs Committees, 1959–69–1434 Race Zoning, Late 1950s–1472 Wentworth Merebank Scheme, Late 1950s
Transfer List of Fifth Correspondence System, in transition to to
B2734 Indian Housing Scheme Merebank/Wentworth, 1964
B2797 Housing for Coloured People Merebank/Wentworth, 1963
643.1.6 vols 1–3. 1951–57 ( Town Clerk Files Oil Refinery, 1960–64 Merebank Indian Market Gardeners, 1963 to Wentworth Merebank Housing Scheme, 1960–65
Early 1970s files in the process of being cataloged
Box 30 Austerville Town Planning Scheme
Box 80 Smoke Control Air Pollution
Box 105 Group Areas Race Zoning
box 292 Wentworth, Late 1970s
box 322 Housing Merebank Wentworth
National Archives of South Africa, Pietermaritzburg Archives Repository (NAB)
AGOAttorney General's Office
CNCChief Native Commissioner
IIProtector of Indian Immigrants
Local History Museum Archive, Durban
Photographic collections, including Cycle of Violence
Killie Campbell Africana Library, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban
Fynn, Henry Francis, Collection
University of Pretoria Institutional Repository
Special Collections, Historical Legal Documents, including Delmas Treason Trial record of proceedings,
University of the Witwatersrand, Historical Papers Research Archive
AD843RJ, Records of the South African Institute of Race Relations
Gandhi-Luthuli Documentation Centre, University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN)
Voices of Resistance Collection,
Nelson Mandela Centre of Memory
Heart of Hope Collection,
Library of the Stellenbosch Institute for Advanced Study, South Africa
Malan, D. F., Collection
Department of Justice
Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) Amnesty Hearing Decisions and Transcripts
South African History Archive (SAHA)
AL 2431, Records of the United Democratic Front
TRC hearings, decisions, submissions, and final reports archived with the South African Broadcasting Company (SABC),
South Africa History Online (SAHO)
Political biographies and archival material,
The Women's Library, London (now at the London School of Economics)
Papers of Millicent Garrett Fawcett, 1870–1929: correspondence and papers, 7/MGF
Personal Collections
Fynn, Morris, Durban
Henry, Hector, Wentworth
Juggernath family, Merebank
McBride, Derrick, Wentworth
Pillay, Ivan, Pretoria
Seedat, Hashim, Durban (HSA) (DHAC boxes numbered by author)