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The United Nations published a report (2021) on global climate change which has rightly been described as a bombshell or a red code for humanity. The report noted that climate change is already with us, evidenced by the many extreme weather disasters in recent years, and concluded that humans have caused the problem. As the climate continues to warm, disasters will increase. Today's climate changes are leading to extinctions of various life forms as has happened in the past. In the previous 600 million years, 5 major climate-change-related extinctions of plants and animals (notably, dinosaurs) have occurred. We may be in the midst of the sixth extinction now. The warming climate affects food production, leading to famine. Syria and Madagascar suffered recent famines; Nigeria, Somalia, Sudan and Yemen are on the brink of famine. Arctic permafrost melting causes damage to buildings, highways, and pipelines and releases large amounts of greenhouse gases.

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