This chapter discusses the army uniform, its difference-erasing capacity, and the ways it structured life in the liminal space of military bases and governed soldiers’ paths and interactions in the towns and cities in which they served. It looks at the concrete effects of military uniform and its implications for relations among young Yugoslav men brought together on military bases, as well as for relations between men’s uniformed and “ordinary” selves. Together with repetitive, standardized routines, the uniform worked as an equalizer for drastically different men, but the military institution simultaneously counted on differences among these men and made use of who they were in their civilian lives. The chapter’s focus is in on this complex dynamic between sameness and difference.
Figures & Tables
Theory in Forms
Utopia of the Uniform: Affective Afterlives of the Yugoslav People's Army
Tanja Petrović
Tanja Petrović
Tanja Petrović is Head of the Institute of Culture and Memory Studies at the Research Center of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts. She is the author of numerous books, including
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