Santa Lucia and Corpus Domini at the Turn of the Sixteenth Century: The View and Urban Patterns
Published:December 2023
Saundra Weddle, 2023. "Santa Lucia and Corpus Domini at the Turn of the Sixteenth Century: The View and Urban Patterns", A View of Venice: Portrait of a Renaissance City, Kristin Love Huffman
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The Venetian lagoon’s geography isolated the city’s earliest convent complexes, but over time, networks of bridges and calli ultimately wove these monastic houses into the urban fabric. In Venice, as in most Italian cities, almost all convents founded during the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries were sited around urban edges that were later filled in, although some were established within already densely developed areas, thereby altering the character of their neighborhood in significant ways. Focusing on the convents of Corpus Domini and Santa Lucia, which exemplify both foundation models, chapter 15 relies on archival documents, de’ Barbari’s View, and urban plans to examine neighborhood development, patterns of convent foundation, and architectural and urban adjacencies, revealing how the built environment shaped and was shaped by relationships between convent communities.