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Chapter 7 takes a close look at pornography and, to an extent, sex work in the lives and experiences of Afrodiasporic people. Being and coding justice becomes a way of thinking about globalization, transnational discourses, and the need for post(trans)national discourses. A dunia terraspheric orientation enables fresh imagination about how to be moral, how to be human, and how to think, talk, and be about the metaphorical and physical resolutions of tantalizing tensions—in terms of physical intimacies, transhuman sociality, and pluriversal politics. Through his narrative research approach to Maât, Maulana Karenga provides a foundational vindicationist voice for this chapter. The philosophical work of Sylvia Wynter provides a foil for Karenga's vindicationist approach, extending the spirit of Négritude. Together Maât and Wynter's humanism recode and ontologize justice/s—telling a new terrastory.

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