Michele Lancione is Professor of Economic and Political Geography at the Polytechnic University of Turin and coeditor of
Part III
Published:November 2023
The chapter unpacks the proposition of the book to transcend home(lessness), starting from an epistemological effort to reapproach the inherent micropolitical value of any form of inhabitation. This is a question of retrieving the experience and knowledge of those precarious dwellers who are already using housing struggles as a gateway to more profound changes: it entails micropolitical attention to how one dwells in the world and to forms of inhabitation that are detached from, and opposed to, the expulsion and extraction structuring current ideals of home.
The chapter addresses how to work with the micropolitics the previous chapter ended on. How to work from the interstices and, from there, how to get beyond the binaries of home(lessness)? How to work for a liberatory politics of home? A praxis of deinstitution (through striking), reinstitution (through caring), and institution (through affirmation) is proposed in this sense.