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Chapter 4 is a participatory, performative dialogic between the Prison Monologues and the students at Nānākuli and Kapolei High Schools, Title I schools on Honolulu's leeward/west side. The author analyzes high school students' reactions to female prisoner monologues in Hawai‘i and frames these dialogues as Native Hawaiian epistemologies. This unique archive showcases a participatory life-writing exchange and the avenues in which trauma itself performs as the dialogic. Through an analysis of the students' life-writing texts, which are direct responses to the narratives of memory, pain, and abuse of the inside women, the chapter explores the nature of witnessing and attends to the cacophony of testimonies evoked. In this sense, unlike in the “home” narratives discussed in chapter 2, pain is sutured and testimony is restorative because of its corroborating “live” audience. In this intricate exchange, spectacular bodies are fashioned, but more prominently, a spectacular healing is performed.

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