Julie Avril Minich is Associate Professor of English and Mexican American and Latina/o Studies at the University of Texas at Austin, coeditor of
Remedio: The Navigator
Published:September 2023
This short concluding chapter describes the personal experiences that brought the author to this project. Here the author addresses how her own social location–as a white, crip woman who is often assumed to be nondisabl –has shaped her relationship to the texts she analyzes and to the ideology of health. This remedio explores how white supremacy and ableism have shaped the white liberalism in which the author was raise–dand which led her to both Latinx and disability studies. She threads her own experiences with an analysis of the album The Navigator by Alynda Segarra/Hurray for the Riff Raff, which both encapsulates the themes of the book and offers the concept of the “inner navigator” to guide one's work.